Unusual Appearances? (Special)

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When they awoke in the morning, the first thing they saw was each other's eyes glimmering in sunshine. Gladion and Hau almost woke from their dreams at the same time-under the fierce Alola sun, they realized they had slept between the tall grasses after a night spent together.

"Good morning, Gladi~" Contentedly, Hau presented Gladion with a warm morning smile.

"You too." When they stood, though, they noticed something peculiar about themselves. Hau's eyelashes appeared a little longer, body a little rounder, and hair a little longer. Gladion had changed noticeably, too, with his long, blocky hair resembling that of Lusamine and his slender body resembling that of...a girl. What? They stared at each other, dazed, shocked.

"Is this a dream?" Hau pinched off his own cheek, and let out a painful "Ah!" in response-it was not a dream.

"Whaaaaat?!" His eyes expanding in surprise, Hau backed up, screaming in utter amazement. Too shocked to speak, Gladion just gaped his mouth until Hau shook him into reality again-upon touching Gladion, Hau felt somewhat different from usual. This circumstance was certainly not normal.

"Snap out of it, Gladi! We gotta find a solution!"

"Oh, oh, right. But you look so different and..."

"And?" A little afraid to have changed so dramatically, Hau looked down on himself(-or herself).

"You look so beautiful right now. Oh, of course you look wonderful all the time, but this..." Gladion grew speechless, not knowing what to say further.

"Ah, thanks Gladi. You look stunning, too, like a girl."

"Girl?!" Gladion's peeved face came back, emerging to reality.

"Yes! We need to return to our former selves. But...I've never had this kind of experience before!"

"Let's ask around. Someone we know might know something. Hmm...what did we do yesterday?"

"Oh! I remember, Gladi! Didn't we eat macaroons Moon gave us yesterday?"

"Yeah, we did. But could it possibly be the source of this?"

"Maybe. Let's ask."

They visited Moon's house, gently knocking on the door multiple times until she came to it.

"Yes?" Opening the wooden door and seeing their appearances, she broke into a violent, hysteric laughter that had probably echoed throughout the large neighborhood in the outskirt of the Hau'oli city.

"What, what happened? Hahaha.... You guys look awesome!"

"Shut up, Moon. Did you do this?" Gladion asked, quite serious.

"You gave us some macaroons yesterday, remember? We ate that, we woke up today, and we had turned into girls all of a sudden. We were wondering if you knew something about it."

Calmly clearing her throat, she saw their seriousness and started to speak with more poise.

"Yes, I do know something. I got the ingredients of those macaroons from Acerola, who discovered the herbs on the beach...that black beach in front of the Aether house, remember?"

"Oh, that's why! That place is HAUNTED!!" Hau screamed out in realization, and Gladion facepalmed himself, getting a headache all of a sudden. Then, he lifted up his distressed face, and said:

"Then, what should we do to cure this?"

"Oh, her herbs almost always go away after a certain period of time. But this one, she said, was quite a strong one, so...probably after one week it will go away."

"What?! We don't have that time!"

"Then, you should probably go and look for a curing herb at that beach Acerola found the original herb. She said it looks like a black rose."

"Okay, thanks!" Hau grabbed on Gladion's wrist and immediately started heading toward the beach.

"Wow, this place is rather chilly..." Hau brushed against his bare skin with his hands, feeling the frigid air drifting from the dark water of the pitch-black seaside.

"Yeah, it is. Where on earth would be a curing herb in any part of this place?"

"Maybe over there?" Hau pointed toward a corner of the beach, where various plants were growing tall and wildly.

"Let's go!" They approached what appeared to be the wild flower bunch, trying to get a better look at it.

But, they soon regretted them nearing the plants so quickly. Springing up were some plant-type pokémon that were peacefully sleeping under the faint sun, who were now immensely annoyed by the sudden awakening. They spat skills at the two of them, attacking them in surprise.


"Hau! Are you okay?"

"Oww...that hurts." Obtaining a little scratch, Hau let out his pokémon to combat the wild ones.

"Go, Raichu! Get'em!"

Raichu displayed a little curiosity at its owner's new appearance, but soon focused on the battle at hand.

"Raichu, thunder bolt! You've got this!"

After a fierce battle, soon the low-leveled wild pokémons lied unconscious on the black dirt that lined the edge of the sea.

"Gladion, I see the curing herb over there!"

Between the sharp rocks, there was a single black rose growing.

"I'll get it."

Carefully, Gladion approached the plant, slowly reaching out to pull out the curing root. After he got the herb, he pulled it out strongly, acquiring it.

"Do we...have to eat this?"

"I think so."

They split up the rose, holding half the petals each, and gazed on to each other's unusual appearances once more.

"Haha, I think I may have gotten used to this appearance a little! I'll feel a little nostalgic to your looking like a girl! You're so cute like this, Gladi!"

Blushing, Gladion laughed lightly and reflected Hau's compliment (?).

"You too, fool. I love you."

Casually confessing, Gladion threw the petals into his mouth at once.

Hau did too, and a shimmering light encompassed the two figures.

"Ah...where are we?" Hau murmured, dizzy from the blinding light.

"Are we back?" Gladion said, and when he beheld Hau's returned form, he smiled relievedly.

"I'm glad you're back."

"I love you too, Gladi!" Hau jumped into Gladion's strong arms, and curled up against him, looking out the dark water and the sky above filled with soft light of the sun. 

*** Sorry for the extremely late update!! I'm busy with school now, and it's giving me insane amounts of homework. I would love to update more, but I think I'll occasionally until the winter break (which is coming soon)! 

I am also planning for a holiday special (festivity!! Yay!!). So, please wait for me patiently! I appreciate everyone who takes a look at my writings. Thanks a lot!

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