Night of Darkness and Tumult

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***Hey guys, thanks for your patience! My school's starting winter break soon so the updates will be more regular than before!

I also wanted to announce that I am planning another Haudion fanfic as soon as this one ends, and I am quite excited about that one, so stay tuned! I even illustrate the cover in COLOR!!! 


Hau awoke in the middle of the night, roused by a cold night breeze slowly freezing his whole body.

"What the...?!"

Opening his heavy eyelids despite the overwhelming sleepiness, he noticed the front door was left open. The shimmering moonlight was pouring through the cracked open door, and along with it the frigid night wind was blowing forth into the sparsely furnished motel room. And next to him, Gladion was gone.

"Gladi...! Where did you go?!"

Putting on his flowered, yellow hoodie, Hau braved his way out into the night. Noticing the footsteps engraved into the silver beach, he could trace where Gladion had gone to-his steps pointed toward the nearby hill, where he normally liked to be when he had something to think about.

With a worried expression, he approached the hill on the coastline-and saw a person's shadow. Without a doubt, the silhouette of the person seemed to be his boyfriend, Gladion. When Hau got close enough, he could clearly see his pensive eyes gazing upon the quiet grey sea, thinking deeply of something, crouching alone on a big rock he liked. Before calling out, he watched him for a while-he looked lonely and scared.


When he called out his name, Hau was surprised. As soon as the sound escaped Hau's lips, Gladion turned immediately as if he was scared that it would be someone else. Beholding his boyfriend, though, his eyes became normal and stable again, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh. It's you..."

"Who else could it be?"

Hau laughed.

"...You can go back."


"You don't have to come here. I was just thinking by myself...for a bit."

"You can talk to me if you have something that worries you..."

"It's fine!"

Gladion's yelling, so edgy and sensitive, made Hau worried so much, but he held his strong urge to question him-he would certainly be furious if he does that.

But he didn't care.

"Gladion, you're certainly suffering right now. You can talk to me. Would you?"

As Hau got a step closer to Gladion, he could see him trembling slightly. His night hoodie softly melted into the night, making him half-visible-but, his noticeable blonde hair defined his figure in the dark, just like a warm heart he tries to conceal every day with a cold and aloof attitude.

"Talk to me. I know you have a nice personality, in reality. You just try to wall me out when you have something to worry, and I don't like that.... I'd rather like to share your struggle. Would you let me do that?"


A scream of Gladion's, so much like a wounded animal, pierced the quiet dark sky. Despite his desperate-sounding scream, Hau could not stop approaching when he saw that Gladion was now crying out loud-in disconnected, periodic sobs.

"I don't want to be this way..." He said, completely discouraged because of something-something, that Hau didn't know about.

"Just tell me."

Determined, Hau extended his arms to envelope Gladion in from the night cold, which even made Hau shiver.

"Well...I.... I had a dream, again."


"Everyone died...including you, Hau...I got so scared...I thought everyone related to me was endangered...which makes me so, so scared..."

"That's not true. Look at me, I'm here, right?"

Gladion looked up with those sad, watery eyes, almost crying.


"Also, I won't be dead because I'm so strong!"

"But the thing is, Hau, even if I tell myself that, the nightmare keeps visiting me. I can't lie comfortably at night in my own bed because of that. It's been ten straight days."


Something's wrong, Hau's instinct told him that. With a storming head, he abruptly surveyed the surroundings with his eyes, soon discovering something odd in their shadows. A part of their combined shadows was warped considerably, generating a very odd shape on the moonlit ground.

"What is that...?"

When Hau murmured so, the shady pokémon jumped out of the shadow, revealing itself to both of them. Haunted, Gladion wearily thought. But Hau, never giving up on Gladion or their relationship, charged forward with a poké ball.

"Come to me! If you're not going to let go of Gladion, at least let me fight you so that I can drive you away!"

Flickering, the black pokémon glared at Hau's courageous eyes with its chilling human-like eyes. Its white hair-like structure shook gently in wind, making him look more like a human. Though-it was evident that he wasn't.

"Come out, my Raichu! Thunderbolt to that mysterious pokémon!"

As soon as Hau ordered Raichu to attack it, the pokémon disappeared into the dark of the night, leaving him and his pokémon behind.

"Where'd it go?!"

"Hau, behind!"

When he looked back at the tree bushes, he saw the mysterious pokémon shooting a darkly formed ball toward him-a skill previously unknown to Alola. That way, Hau helplessly fell into a deep sleep-a sleep in which he must rescue Gladion from his nightmares. 

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