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It all started out as any other usual day-Hau reached out to Gladion through the phone, dialing his number in delightful anticipation. Until a voice picked up his call, he had been in the best mood ever, conjuring up what he should say in greetings and sweet words of love. Thinking of Gladion rendered him helplessly happy, just like how one would become content when thinking about his favorite food. 


But unlike Hau's expectation, a graceful, mature-sounding female voice answered the phone instead of Gladion's usual coarse voice, making Hau startle.


"Ah, he's washing himself right now. Shall I leave a note for you? Go on ahead, say what you've gotta say to my little boy. Oh, what's your name, by the way?"

Hau ended the call immediately without replying to the unfamiliar voice. He was extremely confused all of a sudden-Gladion had went back to his motel after resolving the crisis together with him, so he should be there. Then, who was this woman? Was she a girl? It was hard to know only through hearing her voice...

"Gladi, you fool!"

Angered and confused, Hau shouted at the air loudly in his room, a futile attempt to resolve his feelings caused by him. Thinking of Gladion had been very delightful and stress-relieving until a few seconds ago, and now it was all so stressful. Doubts bloomed inside Hau's fragile mind, because who wouldn't become anxious about his lover having an unknown woman in his room? Hau thought hard about the whole situation, but he could figure out nothing on his own.

Mildly depressed, he moved his feet to a nearby malasada shop, and ordered a lot of his favorite treat.

"Hau, you look so sad today. What's happened to you?"

A clerk asked kindly.

"Oh, well, my boyfriend..."

After hearing Hau's reasonable complaints and his theory of Gladion not loving him anymore, the clerk hit the counter hard with her fist, annoyed by his description.

"That's so bad! He doesn't deserve you, not telling you anything about that woman."

"But Gladi isn't like that! He wouldn't do something like that, without even telling me anything!"

Hau was almost at the brink of tears, and the clerk tried to console Hau's grief.

"Aw, Hau. Have some extra malasadas on the house today. I'll give them to you free, just for you, our regular customer. Don't worry, we love to have you."


Sniffing his nose, Hau started gobbling down the flavorful malasadas. Just then, the door to the malasada shop burst open, and Gladion ran in.

"Hau!! Are you here?!"

"G...gladion?! Why are you looking for me?"

"I found you! I was worried sick of you, since you never answered my phone or texts since morning! You normally never miss them!"

Gladion shouted.

"It's me who should be angry right now, Gladi! You never told me that there was a girl you liked enough to have in your apartment!"


Completely dazed, Gladion asked on.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I called you this morning, and a girl answered the phone instead of you! She said you were in shower and called you her little baby! Isn't she very close to you, then? Or else, why would she answer your phone?!"

"Oh my Arceus. Did she really...."

Gladion suddenly palmed his forehead with his right hand, which rested on a folded left arm-his usual pose of thinking. Hau looked upon him in annoyance, scolding him with his innocent yet piercing look. Gladion then lifted up his face once again.

"Hau, it's all misunderstanding. Let me explain."

"Don't you know how to apologize first?"

"Oh. I am sorry, Hau...I shouldn't have allowed that to happen to you."

Looking at Hau's pout face, Gladion really realized that he had made him genuinely angry. He normally would not insist an apology from him.

"So, who was she?"

"She's...my mother. You know her, Lusamine. She had just come back from Kanto with my younger sister, and she visited my motel this morning to say hi. I never knew she had come in until I got out of shower, so...I'm really sorry, Hau."

Hau felt his anger melting away. Yes, he was not mistaken! Gladion was not the type of person who would cheat on his loved one. Returning smile filled Hau's happy face, and he forgave Gladion in no time, but his mischievousness remained.

"Gladi, but you should repay me for what you've done."

"What should I do, then?"

"Mrs. Clerk, give me ten more malasadas with mix of sweet, bitter, and spicy flavors!"

Hau ordered playfully. Gladion opened his eyes wide in surprise, questioning his motive.

"What're you...?!"

"You have to eat all of the malasadas that I ordered with me! You can't escape this one."

Knowing that Gladion usually did not eat much, Hau wanted him to eat more. Unable to decline, Gladion was stuffed with malasadas that day, tasting different varieties of malasada all day long. 

Unusual Hang-out (Hau X Gladion)Where stories live. Discover now