Holiday Party

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***Hello in a while! I had some personal issues going on in my life, but I'm pretty much back to writing. But, I am so sorry to announce that the story is heading to an end!! I love you guys so much, and thank you for reading my story always!

***I'll definitely be back again with a new story after this one ends. I am preparing my second story, and it's going to be so exciting! Thank you so much everyone!

"Happy holiday!!!"

As Moon threw off Hala's door in the Iki town, Hau jumped up from his usual seat in the cozy couch. Scratching his head in confusion, he turned toward her, disbelievingly eyeing all the stuff she was barely holding in her arms.

"What, Moon? The holiday party isn't until evening! It's 10:00a.m. right now, you know?"

Shaking her orderly pig tails sideways to take off the snow, Moon just grinned. So, Hau's skepticism skyrocketed at once-and when Lillie emerged from behind her back, smiling, Hau asked:

"What are you two plotting today in my house?"

"Well, you see~Lillie observed that Gladion seemed too depressed these days, so we were going to lift his spirit up! You're going to help out a bit, too, Hau!"

"Haa? I was with him the whole time, and his nightmare crisis is resolved now!"

"Yes, of course the crisis may be resolved. But, his spirit is a whole another thing! The event might be over, but he might still be depressed from it! Aftermath exists, you see."


Actually, that was possible. Hau never considered that point of view before, so he was stunned to know that actually, that might be the case for Gladion, who possessed an especially fragile and rickety heart. The past, Hau knew, was not that simple-so many people have struggled to break free from it and become more than their pasts, including Gladion and his nightmares. So, Moon's so-called "plan" might be more beneficial for him going forward.

"Okay, I'll do it."


Both Moon and Lillie jumped up in delight, hugging each other briefly. Then, with some gesticulation, Moon explained their plan in detail, with Hau nodding in acknowledgement.


Lying in his bed alone, Gladion contemplated about the past few days and his weaknesses with his pokémon, Type: Null, beside him. Although he had overcome his persisting sorrow and depression about his hurting past, he still had not recovered completely, just as Moon told Hau. With memories dangling at the end of his every thought, he could not fully immerse himself in any activities. He used to go to the Battle Dom for an emotional change, but even that grew old nowadays. He needed change.

Suddenly, Null started barking.

"Null, what is it?"

Null nudged him toward the clock hanging on the wall, and Gladion snapped out of his trance after seeing it.

"Oh, snap! I'm late!!"

Putting on a sweater on his white shirt, he ran outside the door at once putting Null in his ball. He had completely forgot about their promise of meeting at 6 p.m. at Hau's house, and he already felt so terrible about it. When he burst out of his door, he saw Lillie holding an umbrella, waiting outside for him.

"Lillie?! I was just about to go to-"

"I know, brother. I came to see you to the house. You don't have to explain everything. Here, let's go together."

"Oh, thank you..."

Lillie had on a marvelous red knitted dress-she looked somewhat different today, with her hair up in a ponytail and everything. Moon would like that, Gladion silently thought-and played with his own hair while they walked on a silvery beach lighted by moonlight. The sun had went down already at 4 p.m., and the shorter days rendered Gladion even more blue, since darkness made him doleful.

Lillie walked without any words, and when the house came into Gladion's sight, he was astonished to see all the windows pitch-black, as if no one lived there. There were no decorations whatsoever, and everything in Iki town looked so deserted.

"What's going on? Hau should be in there! Didn't party already start already? I'm sure I was late-"

"Let's go in and check, brother."

Finally, they arrived on the doorsteps, and while Lillie put away her umbrella, Gladion cracked open the door. Suddenly, lights burst out of the once-dark living room, decorations emerged out of darkness, presents and food revealed itself, the deserted feeling turned into a wild excitement of party, and everyone invited to the party appeared and shouted loudly, "Happy holiday, Gladion!"

"You guys..."

With slight tears in his eyes, Gladion wiped off them, and he saw Hau stepping forward with a bright red box wrapped in a golden ribbon.

"Gladi, we all wanted to wish you a merry holiday! I love you. Here's my present for you. There's a card in it, too!"

"Hau...thank you. Thank you so much."

With an overwhelming happiness enveloping him warmly, Gladion joined everyone in a cozy cabin, happily taking part in a glorious holiday party. His concerns, sorrow, and anxiety all seemed to dissolve away in the winter's happiness and glory, and he smiled genuinely for once in a while. 

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