A Holiday Without You

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It's that time of the year again—Alola's looking festive, with pretty presents and decorations and all—but, one glum boy was walking slowly by the beach in moonlight.

    'This time of the year makes me remember you, and that wonderful holiday party we had together in the cozy cabin.'

    Gazing at the faintly sparkling horizon of Alola on a particular night, a boy with deep, moonlight-saturated viridian hair and chocolate skin sighed softly. His eyes seemed melancholy like the quiet sea, even retaining some moisture like it. Receiving the night wind consoled him, though.

    "What are you doing on a night like this?"

    Behind the little boy, a taller grown boy marched forth. His long strides narrowed the distance between them, and soon chocolate-skinned boy could discern the stranger's face. It was a familiar face, after all.


    "Hau. Nice to see you on my nocturnal stroll."

    "You've gotta stop using those hard words...it's difficult to follow, you know."

    "Haha, sorry. But seriously, what are you doing?"

    "Umm...I...I couldn't focus on whatever I was doing inside. Helping Hala, going on a holiday shopping, whatever."

    "I see. Something trouble you?"


    Hau became pensive. Lost in thought, he sighed again.


    "I just miss him."


    Both boys were, for some time, speechless in winter's silence. Then, N spoke again.

    "You know, I miss someone as well."


    "I didn't speak of her much, but I had a friend. She was so confident, bright, friendly, strong, ...righteous. She taught me a lot of things. I wanted to say thanks to her."

    "Did you?"

    "Well, I tried. But, when I visited her town to say my thanks, she was already gone. She'd gone on another adventure, it seemed."

    "I'm sorry to hear that."

    N shook his head lightly.

    "No, it was my fault. I'd left her first, after all. So, what I'm getting at is...."

    Hau watched N's slow hand movement, which seemed orchestrate an unheard music in the cold air. Then, he suddenly grabbed nothing.

    "...That your lover, who left you one year ago, must be missing you as well. And probably want to thank you, just like I did in the past."

    "I see.... Thank you, N. That means a lot to me. Anyhow...."


    "The reason you came here a year ago...is it because you were looking for your friend?"


    N smiled quietly. It was a comfortable sort of smile that communicated something without any direct words. Then, he turned so that he wasn't facing the Alola's dark ocean anymore. He started to walk away.

    "Well, I'll leave no comments. You may think however you wish to, because that doesn't really matter now. I like staying in Alola, and I've met so many amazing people here. I don't regret an inch about deciding to come here."

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