Return of a Friend

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 At the same time elsewhere in Alola, a blonde-haired girl set her feet on the dock. It was an afternoon filled with light, and the heat was just enough to feel comfy and cozy. Feeling a cool sea breeze, she looked around and lightly shook her golden ponytail, observing the familiar sight of Alola. Receiving the wind, her white-colored casual outfit wavered as well.

"Nothing has changed, after all."

Saying so, she smiled, and started walking toward a place she most wanted to visit, a pokéball in her hand.

"You...!" Astonished, Gladion yelled out his hame.


"Why, are you surprised? I was simply doing some outside research for the Aether foundation. You should be thankful for my doing this."

"Hmph! That's not even funny. You were just using this other organization to fuel your evil desires!"

"Hah, you make me sad. Do you know how much I have sacrificed for your mother and your family?"

Gladion's brows flinched, his face turning into a silent indignation.

"You will not mention them as one of your petty excuses." He hammered Faba, who was snickering as if he could not care less of Gladion's opinion.

"Young master Gladion, if you are going to try to stop me and my research, I cannot help but battle you. This research is finally coming to a close after years of preparation-the only thing now left is to test my splendid ideas on some real pokémon. This is the final stage!" He said in an almost revering tone.

"You are never doing that! I will stop you, no matter what! Silvally, I believe in you!"

"Oh, young master...I wouldn't want to battle you, though. You are so strong. But, if you insist upon your will, I cannot help but face you. Go, Drowzee!"

"Silvally, use Multi Attack!" Gladion ordered, but the skill went right through Faba's Drowzee, only making its form scatter into the air.

"What?" Confused, Gladion perused the surroundings, but Drowzee suddenly appeared right in front of his eyes, avoiding Silvally's range of vision.

"Drowzee, use hypnosis!" Faba snickered as he said. Drowzee performed the skill, putting Gladion to sleep in mere seconds even though he tried his hardest to fight the evil sorcery. Falling on to his knees, he collapsed on to the floor against his will. Silvally cried loudly.

"Well, well! Silvally, your owner fell asleep. So, how about you come with me and help me research?" Faba, now not even trying to conceal his laugh, declared.

"Gladion!!" Moon and Hau called out both at the same time, but their calling never reached Gladion, who was deeply asleep with magic. "I will have to silence you two as well. Drowzee, use hypnosis to the other two!!"

Faba's pokémon appeared in front of Moon suddenly, causing her to fall asleep very quickly. She feebly fell on to the ground, too, her phone escaping her grasp and clattering against the floor.

"Moon! Incineroar, are you done with the hole?"

Incineroar nodded confidently-and it was true, the frigid air of outside was slipping into the underground base. "Okay, let's escape for now. You pokémon, come with us!" Hau said quickly before Faba's Drowzee could reach him and silence him, too. "I will be back for my friends!" Hau shouted angrily before he reached the ground level with all the freed pokémon.

"Clefable, use Disarming Voice!" A girl with blonde ponytail ordered charismatically, exuding the air of an experienced trainer. Acerola's Froslass, her last pokémon, collapsed in exhaustion after receiving the attack.

"Whew, you have become very, very strong after becoming a trainer! I am amazed." Acerola remarked, complementing the girl's strength as a trainer.

"Thank you," the girl blushed a little, flustered to receive such a comment from a great trainer like Acerola.

"Well, go ahead! The champion should be waiting for you."

"Okay!" With a hopeful expression on her face, she moved forward, almost running in excitement. When she ascended the staircase leading to the champion's platform, her eyes got a little watery.

"Sun..." She said, touched.

"Lillie?!" Sun was struck, astonished and glad to see her as his challenger. "What are you doing here? How did you get past all of the Elite Four?"

"I've become stronger, Sun. I just returned from Kanto, and I challenged the pokémon league right afterwards. I beat them all." With a confident smile, she delivered the big news.

"...Wow. You really are strong, Lillie. I'm so glad to see you again."

"Me too. But for now, let's begin the battle. I am a challenger, after all. Me and my pokémon are all very excited to clash our forces against you, Sun!"

"Same here! Then, here I go!"


Both trainers stopped short a second before getting out their pokémon, hearing the unusual desperate scream at the top of the pokémon league. When they looked over to the sky, they could see Hau flying over toward them on his favorite flying type pokémon.

"Sun! It's a big crisis right now. Gladion and Moon got kidnapped by Faba from Aether foundation! You've gotta help me rescuing them!"

Lillie's pokéball clattered against the ground, and the two turned their heads.

"L...lillie?! What're you doing here?" Hau shouted, shocked and his eyes watering with the sight of his familiar friend.

" Kidnapped?" She muttered in astonishment, completely agitated by such unexpected news.

"Y-yeah, but we're going to rescue him! No matter what! We should all go together, since their base is right under the pokémon league!"

"Pokémon league? They've used their brain not to be discovered. Gladion once talked to me about this secretive evil organization. Okay, let's go! Lillie, looks like our battle will be after we resolve this serious problem. Is that okay with you?" Sun said, quite serious.

"Yes, of course. Rather, I will come with you two. I want to rescue my brother! With my pokémon and my newly developed strength, I think I could really be a help." Lillie said, determined.

"Sure, thank you. Sorry that this happened, when you have just come back to your homeland." Sun nodded in gratitude.

"I don't mind. It's good to think that I can finally contribute something to your adventures. Besides..." Lillie faced Hau, who was almost tearing up after seeing his old friend. "Nice to see you again, Hau."

"Nice to see you too." Resisting an urge to cry and say how happy he was to see her again, he replied. Together, they headed toward the base of the evil organization, where their friends lied unconscious and were held as hostages by Faba. 

Unusual Hang-out (Hau X Gladion)Where stories live. Discover now