Day Two, Night

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 "Wow, so pretty!" Hau exclaimed, marveled by a beautifully decorated interior of the cabin. Softly glowing yellow lightbulbs greeted Hau and Gladion as they set their feet inside one of the cabins of Paniola town.

Gladion nodded, and he felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned around to see Sun standing there. He had grown a little bit since their last encounter.

"Hi, both of you!" Sun casually addressed them, asking how they have been.

"We've been good! We're just spending time together since a few days ago." Hau noted.

"That's fun. My girlfriend should be here soon, too. I can't wait to introduce her to you guys!" He said happily.

"Actually, Sun, there is something I need to talk to you about." Gladion whispered, not letting out his sounds above the three of them.

"Oh, sure. We can go out. Hau, would you stay in here to meet my girlfriend? She's about your height, and she has black hair."

"Okay!" Replying so, Hau wandered about the room in search for a dessert-thankfully, there were some malasadas lined up against the wall on the tables. Glancing at him with a content smile, Gladion turned to exit the cabin with Sun.

"So, what's up?"

"As you know, Aether foundation's evil schemes were thwarted by our efforts." Gladion started quite seriously.

"I thought that crisis was resolved."

"Yes. But yesterday, I became aware of another evil organization that is targetting Hau. They had their base at the bottom of the sea."

"Huh? That's very surprising. I never saw any of them."

"I think they are much sneakier than the blunt Aether foundation. They can melt into crowds."

"I see. We should be careful from now on. It's a shame I can't help you a lot due to my champion business, but I will assist you in every way."

"Thanks. I wouldn't want to watch Hau go missing again like yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?"


"Sun!" A bright girl's voice called Sun from behind, and two white arms emerged from behind Sun's back and hugged him tightly.

"Woah, Moon! Hey!"

"Moon-?!" Surprised, Gladion reacted to a sudden appearance of the girl he received help from yesterday. With the cute pigtails unraveled and revealing her beautiful short hair, she looked quite different today. She also had a sweater and skirt on.

"Oh, hey, it's Gladion! How're you doing?"

"Pretty great. Thanks to you."

"You two know each other?" Sun said disappointedly, but soon regained his energy. "Wow, this is why people say that the world is so small! I never imagined you two knowing each other."

"She helped me with Hau's rescue yesterday, it was pretty great. You have a strong girlfriend."

"That's flattering-thanks, Gladion. Guys, let's go in! The party's about to start."

When they returned inside the cabin, they saw Hau biting into his third malasada of the evening, and they broke into laughter. The music started playing, and they sat around a fireplace, each holding a chocolate drink.

"We should play the truth game!" Moon suddenly suggested.

"What's truth game?" His mouth full of malasadas, Hau asked on.

"It's a game where we tell only true words," She explained. "If a person asks a question to another person, that person has to tell only the truth. And each person can skip a question only once. I'll start! Hau, what is your favorite food?"

"That's an easy one. Malasada! I'll ask Sun next. Do you enjoy working as a champion?"

"Sometimes it's tiring, but yes. I really enjoy being the first pokémon league champion! I want to ask Gladion a question. Do you have a person you like?"

"Yes." Gladion answered, blushing a little. "Now...I want to ask you a question, Sun. Who was your first girlfriend?" Wanting to return Sun's question in a same magnitude, Gladion asked.

"Surprisingly, Moon is my first girlfriend!" Sun said, laughing out loud. "Gladion, I want to ask you another question. What is the color of the hair of the person you like?"

"I'll...skip that question." He said hesitantly, and Hau eyed Gladion as if he really wanted to know.

"Okay. Now, you have no skips." Sun smiled.

"I'll ask Moon one." Telling the truths only, they pleasantly awayed their evenings together-until another question flied over to Gladion again.

"Is your crush in this room right now?" Moon asked, playful and half-joking. Suddenly, Gladion turned as rigid as a stone, clearly having a difficult time answering-then he said briefly:


"Whaaaa?!" Everyone, including Hau, shouted as loudly as they could in surprise, astonished at the unexpected answer. Overwhelmed by the crowd's response, Gladion turned and rose to go, saying: "I, I have to go now. Sorry. It's late, and I need to get ready for bed." He dashed toward the door and even forgot to close it when he stepped out into the night.

"Wait!!" About when Gladion reached the nearby hill leading to a ruin, Hau called out from behind. "Gladion! I want to talk to you!" Not wanting to see him right now while he was blushing, Gladion chose not to reply, but Hau eventually caught up to him, pulling his black, torn clothes.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I have something to tell you, Gladion."

"W-what is it?!"

Staring at the boy's sparkling emerald eyes, Hau once more realized how strong his feelings toward him were. He remembered all-Gladion's approaching him kindly, consoling him, rescueing him from the evil organization, letting him stay at his place, and kissing him. Under the infinite stars, he confessed-

"I love you!"

"...?!" Gladion mouthed something in an intensely red face, almost looking like he was paralyzed, but he was unable to say anything.

"I love you, Gladion. I never realized I'd say this to you this directly, but earlier in the cabin, I became sure that you would feel the same way as me. So I decided to just tell you straight away. I adore you."

With that, he kissed Gladion, who had turned into a genuine stone. But, feeling Hau's warm body temperature and soft touch, Gladion soon let his hands naturally fall into place, on to Hau's back. That way, they became a happy couple who would later encounter a fierce fight with the evil organization.

Unusual Hang-out (Hau X Gladion)Where stories live. Discover now