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Sweating profusely, Gladion choked up from a dream. It was dark all around-the blind was shut, the night had concealed the radiant moon, and the air felt cold. His heated skin brushed against the imaginary wind, making him shiver.

"Hah, hah..."

Breathing heavily, he rubbed off the huge beads of sweat that hung from his chin-he had dreamt of his childhood.

In his dream, he was given little food, made smile, forced to throw up, crying always, mourning his father's disappearance, and watching his mother slowly going crazy. When he was little, his sister had been the only sane person of the household, but she was certainly not dependable as a child younger than himself.

"Damn it..."

He tried to go back to sleep, but was unable to. The lurking shadows of the palm trees right outside his motel room reflected upon the windows creepily, rendering him slightly fearful. Continuing to brush off his sweat, he just stared into the deep darkness that contained him, his thoughts storming like a flooding pond of an early spring.


Then he somehow went back to sleep, frowning unknowingly. In dream, he saw his lovely sister's new outfit-a white frilled dress with a big gem hanging as a pretty ornament.

"That's really pretty, Lillie."

He complimented, but she didn't seem to hear it. She just stared into a distance beyond him with empty eyes.

"You're so beautiful today. Where did you get that new outfit?"

Again, he kindly added, expecting his sister responding happily. But, instead, a cold voice echoed through the hall they were in-he heard his dreadful mother's voice, extremely chilling.

"Gladion, isn't she so cute? She's my little doll. Gorgeous-looking, small, and just perfect to my taste."

With his wide-open eyes, Gladion glared at his mother, trying to defy her. But soon, he found himself running down the one-way hall in fear. Behind him, her mother's high-heels produced loud clicking sounds against the marvel floor, gradually closing in the distance between him and her. Panting, he ran as fast as he could, but soon hit his forehead against a wall, a dead end. Slowly turning his head, he saw a monster approaching him-a mother with eyes of a crazy, vicious monster approaching him.


"...dion! Gladion!"



Hearing Hau's desperate scream, Gladion was jolted awake from his sleep. The first thing he saw was Hau's face, which was unusually tinged with sadness.


Feeling his head reeling, he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the surroundings' light. It had become a glorious morning, with birds chirping and sunshine pouring in through the window. Hau had come in, and he could understand that-after all, Gladion himself had given him the key to his motel room. But, he still stood confused on the border of dream and reality, all because his nightmare had been too real. Observing Gladion's emerald eyes growing as empty and dark as his sister's eyes in his dream, Hau shouted out his name energetically.

"Snap out of it, Gladion!"

"Ugh, stop...stop shouting. My head hurts."

"Look at me!"

Annoyed, Gladion finally gazed on to Hau's eyes for the first time after waking up. Surprisingly, seeing his eyes made Gladion remarkably calm-he did not know why. Mysterious feelings filled up fragile Gladion, and he finally returned to reality.

"Oh...sorry. I just...I had a bad dream."

"I can tell! When I arrived here this morning, you were groaning in sleep like you were in a lot of pain!"

"Yes, I suppose I was."

"What kind of dream was it? Talking about it might help. I'll hear you out."

"It was about my family's past. In the dream, Lillie was used as a doll by my mother, who dressed her as she pleased and oppressed her character...I ran away from her, but I couldn't get away at the end."

"That must've been horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that, can feel safe now. I am always here for you."

After saying that, Hau hugged Gladion lightly, who had noticed he was still shivering from the cold dream. Feeling Hau's warm body temperature, though, Gladion's wild spirits calmed down slowly, and he hugged Hau back, grateful to have him. 

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