Day Two, Morning

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 When Gladion opened his heavy eyelids in the morning, he felt a weight pressing down against his arm. Was it one of his pillows? He sleepily thought-but it felt a little too heavy to call it a pillow. Squinting through the morning sunlight, he turned his head sideways to see what it was-and when it turned out to be Hau's head, he almost rolled down from the bed.

What happened yesterday? Why was Hau in his motel room? What happened after we left the beach? With a million questions storming in his head, he tried to calmly retrace every event of last night. Yes, they had been together until the sun set. They left the beach together, walking along the coast line, talking. Afterwards, when they were about to split up for the night, Gladion himself had suggested Hau stay at his motel.

Gladion facepalmed his forehead in remembrance. "Ah-yes..." He let out a small sigh, and changed his position in bed to look directly at Hau's face. When he was asleep, his face was so peaceful that Gladion thought he almost looked like a different person. 'Hau usually doesn't stay this calm for so long...' He thought to himself, observing him breathing and his dark-colored eyelashes.

Last night, Gladion had realized yet another thing about this positive boy. When he had said that 'It happens sometimes,' Gladion realized the pressure and danger he receives every day as a son of Island Kahuna. With his interest and good feelings about Hau growing every single second, he realized that he wanted to protect him at least when they were together.

Just then, Hau's eyelids fluttered, startling Gladion. He quickly looked away-he didn't know why. He just felt a little embarrassed to be noticed by Hau when he was observing him in sleep-but why? Why did he care how Hau perceived him? Wasn't he a calm, nonchalant adult now? He really could not figure out his emotions that swirled violently inside him.

"Hmm...good morning, Gladion~" In a half-asleep voice, Hau sweetly greeted Gladion. Turning back toward him, Gladion replied, "G-good morning, Hau. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes~thanks to you. It was nice sleeping alongside someone. I think I had a very nice dream!"

"That's good. And I'm glad no one came to our door to search for you...I thought your house last night might've been dangerous, especially when the Kahuna's out."

"Uh-huh. Thanks for letting me stay at your place, Gladion!"


He smiled, and he smiled back. Looking at Hau smiling purely, Gladion realized his love for Hau for the first time, his heart beating like crazy and his pulse ringing as loudly as it possibly can inside his ears. Thump, thump. Gladion's face became heated as he slowly emerged to a complete realization of his feelings.

"It's a nice day out, huh?" Hau commented delightfully as he looked out the window and at the sight of a piercing blue sky. Gladion acquiesced, nodding, hiding his face with one hand.

"I'll let you borrow my clothes. Do you have anything to do today, Hau?"

"Well, I'd like to visit Sun sometime-I haven't heard from him in a long time. I would love to visit him."

"Yeah. Well, we'd have to travel quite a long distance, then-"

Just when Gladion was speaking, he caught a sight of the same grunt from yesterday right outside the window. He quickly enveloped Hau's body inside his two arms, softly hugging him and clearing him out of the grunt's potential sight.

"What is it, Gladion?"

"There's the same grunt from yesterday looking for you outside the window. What are they, anyway?"

"Oh, really? They must be really desperate this time."

"What do you mean, 'this time'?"

"They're an evil organization that despised the Kahuna system for a very long time. From when I was young, they'd threaten my grandfather, and sometimes even my father, too-they're sort of similar to Team Skull in that sense. But they're much more sneaky and under cover. They're good at it..."

Hau trailed off, putting on a bitter expression. Watching him being like that in his arms, Gladion felt something shatter inside him-he desperately wanted to make him happy. Slowly, Gladion leaned in and kissed him lightly on his forehead to console him, to make him feel secure.



Silence. Both of them stayed without words for a few seconds before Gladion realizing what he had done, and quickly escaping the scene by locking himself inside his own closet.

"I, I'll get changed, Hau!! Also, I'll get you some clothes for you to get changed, so just wait there!"

Afterwards, he was gone. Hau just stood there, tracing the place Gladion's lips once met with his fingers, dreamy. Wide-eyed but impressed, Hau realized, too, that he did not dislike being kissed by the golden-haired boy. With his feelings certain inside of him, he smiled in delight and a calm happiness once again visited him.

"This shirt smells like Gladion~" Hau commented, sniffing against a shirt given by Gladion.

"Stop it..." Gladion mumbled, but did not stop him. Having changed into the casual clothes, they made their way outside the motel cautiously. With a clear objective in their minds, they softly treaded on the infinitely stretched grass and sand to reach a nearby hill, where they sat down together.

"Should we call Sun? He might be very busy, but I feel like we need to talk to him about this bad organization."

"Yeah, I'll contact him! You can just sit next to me, and relax!"

So he did. Not forgetting to look out for any grunts that might come up to the hill, he sat next to Hau, feeling his warm body temperature. Not a long time later, Hau spoke:

"Oh, Sun says he's available tonight! I think he's busy during the day because of the champion stuff. We can meet him in the night. What do you say, Gladion?"

"I like that idea. I don't want to give him any pressure, so..."

"He's also going to introduce us to a new girlfriend he met! That's exciting." Hau chuckled. "I think there is a small party that's being held in the Paniola town, and Sun wants to participate in that. Should we tag along, too?"

"Oh, sure. Whatever's fine." Gladion agreed, laughing.

That way, they both decided to go to the night's party in Paniola town to relieve some of the suspense they were feeling throughout the previous day-in that manner, their day two together brightened. 

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