Ancient Castle in the Sea

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*Just a notice, I am going to be making up some names and such in this series. So, the world may be a little different from the original Sun and Moon games. 

*Technically, it is after the ending of Sun and Moon games. 

 Tap, tap...

Their footsteps quietly echoed through the worn-down halls. They could not believe there was such a space underneath the sea, so isolated, enveloped in colorful corals. Seeming like it was not used for some time, yet its air possessing some evidence of people's living, the building exuded beauty and old ambience.

"What do you think this place was used for?"

Curious, Gladion asked, but was shushed by the girl immediately. There was a sound, very small but noticeable, coming from behind a closed door, which was located at the end of the hallway they were in.

"Isn't that Hau's voice?!" Gladion exclaimed, excited.

"Shush! There's someone else besides Hau, too. We can't be too rash here."

She was right. Besides the faint sound, another sound was echoing through.

"There are two voices!" She noted.

"Let's get closer."

They tiptoed across the rock floor, trying to conceal their presence. When they approached the patterned door close enough, they could distinguish syllables of their conversation:

"Let me go! You'll never get the information you want from me, even if you attack me."

"Just tell us where the Kahuna's secret document is. We need his information for our grand project!"

"I told you, I don't know! I won't tell you even if I knew!"

Hearing Hau's voice, Gladion's shoulders shook for a moment in an impulse to enter the room immediately, but he restrained himself. A moment later, the other voice frustratedly yelled "I'll come back later, you brat!" and disappeared. It had grown quiet again before they decided to penetrate into the room.

Creaking open the door, the girl carefully eyed the sides of the room before they both slipped in silently. Hau opened his eyes wide as he saw them both enter, happy to see familiar faces. They disentangled Hau's hands and feet from tight ropes, freeing him.

"Are you okay, Hau?"

"Yeah, thanks. They questioned me about my grandfather-they're so stupid, thinking they could extract information from me. I would never tell them."

"Come on, let's get out of here. That voice earlier was creepy." She told both of them, who were genuinely happy to see each other again.

The three swiftly escaped the room and ran down the hallway. When they just exited the building, a voice from behind shouted loudly.

"He's escaping! Everyone chase them!"

Soon afterwards, five grunts that look like a part of an evil organization surrounded them.

"What should we do? I can't get my gyarados out here!"

"We're going to fight!"

Exclaiming so, Gladion released Silvally onto the sandy battlefield.

"You're not escaping! Go, ratatta!" One grunt shouted, and others got out their pokémons as well.

"Silvally, crush claw!"

"Golbat, gust!"

Silvally easily dodged the gust, but it soon flied over to Hau, who was watching the battle until then. Being hit by the skill, Hau flung over toward the edge of the water, exiting the airbubble.

"That kid! No...!"

The grunts, only interested in Hau, all ran over toward the barrier. With their attentions attracted to another source, Gladion and the girl escaped them, quickly boarding on the gyarados to chase Hau, who was floating gradually and holding his breath in the stormy water.

"Let's go! We're going to lose Hau!"

"I got it. Gyarados, let's rescue him!"

They started to glide in the water, speedily catching up to Hau in strong streams of deep water. "I'll grab him!" Holding on to the girl's hand, Gladion reached far toward Hau, clutching his hand and pulling him toward himself. "I got you...!" Gladion shouted, and further pulled him in until their faces met inside a small, shared air bubble. With their eyes and foreheads meeting, for a moment they were silent. "Thanks," Hau muttered in a shared breath, blushing intensely at such a close proximity. Gladion could not help but look away.

"OK, we're heading back!" She said, and after they all tightly grabbed on to the giant pokémon, they started rising back up to the surface. After a while, they arrived at the surface of the sea that now glowed in vivid pink and orange-it was sunset.

They set their feet on the cooling sand, letting out sighs of relief.

"That was quite an adventure!" The girl said in a still excited voice.

"Yeah, it was. Oh, by the way, what's your name? I didn't properly thank you before. Sorry." Gladion asked.

"My name is Moon. Officially, nice to meet you both, Gladion and Hau! I hope I see you two again very soon!" With sparkly grey eyes, Moon smiled brightly, shaking hands with both of them before casually walking away.

"She seems like such a strong girl. And kind, too. That's pretty amazing." Hau observed.

"Yes, without her, I don't know how long it would've taken me to track you down...thanks to her, we're here. Are you okay?"

Gladion kindly looked into the eyes of Hau, concerned. Hau simply smiled back, saying, "Yeah, don't worry about it. It happens sometimes. But wow, we've really spent the whole day in the water! That was an experience!"

 They sat down on the beach afterwards, looking out to the calm sea as the sun set. Together, they watched the sun go down as it drenched the whole scene into an intense red, and then dark purple and blue, and then black. They did not realize their hands were clasped together until they left the beach, when the stars rose.

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