Another Crisis

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~One Week Later~

"It's a big news! There are pokémon stealing events all over Alola, I heard!"

Moon burst into Hau's living room, too excited and emotional. Over one week of time, Moon and the two lovers had grown a close friendship, and Moon began to visit either of their house.

"Stealing pokémon? That's...terrible!" Hau stood up in his seat and reacted to Moon's news.

"Right? This happens in not only one island, but on multiple islands!" Moon hissed. "Even in the Poni Island, where Hapu's become the new Kahuna!"

"They're not scared of the new Kahuna? What a people...wait, is this the same organization that attacks my family all the time?"

"Yeah...I think so." Energy suddenly draining from her voice, Moon told him sadly. Hau bit his lips.

Just then, Gladion burst into the room as well.

"Did I hear that right? Those petty grunts are causing trouble again?" He put his right hand on his eye, forming his contemplating pose, thinking.

"Yes, hi Gladion," Moon replied. "Looks like you were just coming over to hang out with Hau, but sorry for interruption."

Moon looked down at Gladion's other hand, where a malasada bag full of Hau's favorite treats was dangling.

"No, no, don't worry about it. This is really important for our happiness, too." Hau smiled, and Gladion nodded in a serious manner.

"So, where do you think their base is?" Gladion asked.

"I think it might be the bottom of the sea, where we went to before."

"It might be not, though. That place looked like it might crumble down soon." Hau noted.

"That's true. Then, it might be near the Lanakila mountain." Moon added.

"Why do you think so?" Asked Gladion, curious.

"They're good at hiding, right? So, I am conjecturing they might just set up their base near the pokémon league, to avoid being discovered."

"That might be true!" Hau marveled at Moon's theory. "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's just go and search for their base!"

After preparing everything thoroughly, all of them boarded on Moon's Charizard, who swiftly glided through the warm air of Alola sky. With wind swishing beside them, they soon arrived at the pokémon league, where it snowed because of the high altitude. Hau slightly shivered, encountering the cold weather. "It's pretty cold out you really think they'd set up their base here?"

"It's likely." Gladion replied nonchalantly, draping his extra black hoodie on Hau's shoulders. "Thanks." Hau smiled warmly.

"Hmm...if we look around, there seems nothing noticeable..."Moon said, and began to feel the rock walls that surrounded the pokémon league entrance with her hands.

"I'll search over here!" Going to an opposite direction, Hau energetically announced. "Then I'll here," Gladion added, and began searching near the door of the league.

About five minutes later, they heard Hau's surprised voice-"Woah!" He said, falling into a revolving secret door that led deep into the underground world. "Hau!" Quickly running toward Hau's place, Gladion reached his hand toward him, but failed to grab his arm. Instead, he was sucked into the pitch-black entrance of the evil secret base, as well.

"You guys! ...I'll have to go in as well, then." Moon sighed, and threw herself into the door, too.

"Hmm...where is this?" When Hau opened his eyes, he saw whitely covered walls and grounds, where electronic facilities hummed gently.

"Is this the secret evil base? This looks awfully like the Aether foundation's interior..." He mused, when Gladion landed right beside him, followed by Moon.

"This is...!" Gladion muttered in shock. He had noticed it too, the awful similarity between the facility and Aether fountation. "Do you think so too?" They exchanged looks, and started exploring the interior of the intricate underground base.

"There are cages of pokémon behind the translucent white tiles!" Hau exclaimed in shock, and pushed a yellow button that stood out from the otherwise flat wall. All of a sudden, the pokémons were freed but the sirens went off, signaling toward the grunts in the building about intruders' appearance.

"Oh no! How do we get all these stolen pokémon out? We don't even know how to get out ourselves."

"Looks like there is no other way than to battle the grunts that come after us, and make a giant hole to the upper ground." Gladion annoyingly said, getting out his Silvally.

"I'll battle these grunts, you guys protect the pokémon!" He yelled and started battling.

"Okay, Hau, could you start making a hole leading to above the ground? I'll text Sun for extra help! Thank god this place is so close to the league!"

"Okay! Help me, Incineroar!" With a thundering cry, Incineroar came out, starting to dig into the cold earth with his fire and force.

"This is going to be hard..." Gladion said, glaring at the three employees that surrounded him and Silvally. Before they began the battle, they suddenly heard someone's shoe heels clicking against the immaculate floor, which sounded awfully familiar. "What...? I've heard this sound before..." He frowned his brows to remember.

Just then, a certain person he was so familiar with appeared, shocking Gladion immensely. "You are...!"

*Things are about to get very interesting! Also, events might just take an anime tune in! Thanks for reading as always!

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