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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping (a/n lol beep beep richie) I get dressed

(The two different hair styles for like different views of how long your hair is)

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(The two different hair styles for like different views of how long your hair is)

I brushed my teeth and slide down the banister of the stairs. I jump down and run to the kitchen. "Morning mom!" You chirp cheerfully, you were so excited for.. FOOOD. "Morning hun!" She gave you a side smile and went back too cooking. Then I remembered that I had school todayyy, I groan"mom do I have to go? It's literally one day that's it!" She sighed "Exactly! If it's only one day it won't be as bad." I grimaced and rolled my eyes playfully. After I finished breakfast I get my bike out of the garage, "Bye mom!" I yelled, as I was about to set off and get lost bc I didn't know where I was going. I saw a boy across the street who looked around my age, he too had his bike out. "Bye mommy!" he waved at a woman in a pink and blue track suit. "Bye Eddie! careful of fresh cut grass! and don't forget to take your-" he sighed "i know mommy!" I didn't even notice his friend because of the woman's god awful track suit. "Common Eddie lets go!" as the boy named Eddie was walking his bike down the garage I made eye contact and smiled. I waved he turned around and pointed at himself I laughed and nodded. His friend noticed me  and when he finally turned around and I saw his face. Huh. Cute. Big glasses, brown eyes, semi black hair and pale skin. He smirked and rode his bike right in front of me, "Hey doll face." 'Shiiit ok ok just be calm be cool.' I rolled my eyes "Hi frog face." he smiled at that "the names Richie Tozier." I giggled "Oh Richie, i don't recall asking." I say as i shrug my shoulders, "If anything I wanna know who your friend is." Richie's eyes went wide "You wanna meet Eddie over me?" he exclaimed, I pretend to think about this and rub my chin. "Hmmm yeah i do, and by the way honey i don't like big flirts." I winked and walked over to Eddie, by now both boys' mouths were open. I turn back to face frog face "Richie close your mouth and take a picture. it'll last longer." I rolled my eyes again and stopped my bike in front of Eddie. "Hi i'm (Y/n)." I say with a small smile I stick my hand out. He blinks, I  laugh and close his mouth for him. "wouldn't want you to catch flies now would we?" his eyes widened and he stuttered out "H-hi" "do you go to Derry High?" He nodded , "would you mind taking me there? I know it's the last day of school but my mom wants me to try and see if I could make friends." He just stared and nodded at me as if I were a ghost. "Would you wanna be friends?" I ask hopefully. He nods frantically "Hey! Hi! Yeah I'm Richie if you haven't forgotten about me yet." I laugh and get on my bike "Ready?" both boys nod "lead the way tozier!"

(time skip to after school gets out)

Once the final bell rang I made a beeline to the bathroom, I've been holding it since 5th period, I rush in and do my business. Right as i'm about to leave I hear someone kick the stall door right next to me 'what the fuck?' I think then I hear "Are you in there by yourself beaver-ly? or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh slut?" I let out a small gasp. "I know your in there you little shit ,i can smell you. no wonder you don't have any friends" I sit there waiting to see if the girl in the stall next to me is gonna take this bullshit or not. I'll admit I'm a lil curious, I hear the girl in the stall next to me sigh and say "Which is it greta? am i a slut or a little shit. Make up your mind" I hear the girl who I'm guessing is greta "Your trash. We just wanted to remind you." a girl tries coming into your stall.  Greta takes notice "Who's ever is in the stall next to this little shit come out right now." I smirked, my  mom taught me how to fight for this exact reason. I come out of the stall to be met with a tan skinned girl with blond hair. "Move." she says forcefully. "Ohhh so your the girl who's been yelling at my FRIEND through the bathroom stall?" I didn't know the girl in the stall next to me, but no one has a right to slut shame someone. "She's your friend? No wonder you guys both smell and look like trash." I scoff and tie my hair up in a pony tail and take out my earrings cramming them into my jean pocket. "Ya know it's my first day and I wanted to look cute but I guess greta.. if this is how it's gonna be. Also I suggest you take your backpack off." I say as I toss mine by the girl who has the trash bag "Why?'" She asks with an attitude "Cause i'm about to kick your fucking ass." and with that I punched her in the face and got on top of her, hitting her twice. I heard the other girls gasp and run off. I get off of greta, she tries to get up and lunge at me "Stay the fuck down greta or you'll really get an ass beating." She scoffed and sat there I  made it look like I went to go get my back pack but really I got the garbage bag and dumped it all on Greta the contents spilling all on her and her clothes. "You dumb bitch." I say as she get's up and runs out teary eyed. I hear the bathroom stall door open and I look up "Hi" I say she looks around and smiled "Thank you.." I smile back "No problem. Im (Y/n) and you are?" "Im bev." We smiled and walked out together. "Bye bev!" I say and walk out to the front of the school to meet up with the 'loser's club' I walked up just in time to hear Richie say "Oh you think thats good? try tickling your pickle for the first time" I laughed and then they all turned and looked at me. "Hey i'm (Y/n)" I say looking at a curly haired boy and a bright blue eyed boy "Hi.. i'm Stan" I nod and smile and look at the blue eyed boy "I-i'm b-b-bill.." he said with a deep blush. "Nice to meet you both." "Hey were gonna go to the barrens wanna come with?" frog face asks "The barrens?." "Just come with." Richie adds, I shrug and go ahead of the group and start to talk to bill. "Favorite candy-" I start until I heard Richie and Stan yell. I whip around and see Stan on the ground trying to get his kippha back from this tall lanky kid. Some kid with a mullet shoved passed me and bill. "you s-s-uck bowers." the kid turned around "did you s-s-say somethin b-b-b-b-billy?" he stepped closer "You got a free ride this year because of your little brother.  Rides over Denbrough." He got in Bill's face when he noticed someone behind us, a police officer. He steps back "This summers gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends." He looked over the whole group finally seeing me. "Oooh what do we have here.." He shoves Bill aside and gets in my face "Hey baby whats up?" He states as he placed his hands on my hips. I rolled my eyes and shoved him back. "Ya know i haven't even met you but i can already that your really insecure. And you have a lot of family problems i'm guessing? and i also guess that making fun of people is funny because you have nothing else to do with your miserable life and you just want attention because also I'm just guessing that you don't get enough of it at home?? Please do tell me if i'm wrong." I say as I got in his face he gulped, scoffed and walked away with his friends to a blue car. "woah" Stan says , Eddie just stares at you as does Bill. "I think i'm in love." Richie says I laugh "Let's go to the barrens boys!"

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