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After about an hour or so they finally came back down. We got on our bikes and started to ride down the street "No I love being your own personal doorman. Really could you idiots have taken any longer." Eddie groaned "Shut up Richie." "Yeah shut up Richie." Stan says Richie scoffed as he rode circles around us "oh ok, trash the trashmouth, I get it. Hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween." We stop to talk about what happened in Bev's bathroom. "She didn't imagine." Bill says while stopping his bike "I also saw something too.. " Bill confessed "you saw blood too?" Stan asks. I sit on my bike waiting patiently for him to finish his sentence "No.. not blood, I saw G-g-georgie" I look over our group and see Richie look at him as if he said he fucked his mom. "It seemed so real. I mean it's him but there was this.." "A clown.." Eddie said as he finished Bills sentence.  "Yeah, I saw him too" I notice most of the group nodding except Richie. "Wait can only Virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" I sighed and softly said "well I'm not a virgin and I still saw his crazy ass.." I wasn't expecting everyone to hear me but they did and they all just looked at me like I had 3 heads. Yes, me the goody good wasn't a virgin. "Wait did you and Richie-" my eyes widened "n-no! Oh my god Stanley!" I shriek as my cheeks turned a light pink "hey maybe we should?" Richie says wiggling his eyebrows. I frown at him and his face hits realization. "I'm sorry that was insensitive of me.." The losers club gaped at Richie "d-d you ju-ust say s-sorry?" Bill gasps "m-maybe.." Richie stuttered out. I smile a little before a light flashed in my eye. "Ow.." I say rubbing my eye I turn and see a blue car then we heard yelling "Oh shit that's Belch Huggins car" Richie says "We, we should probably get outta here." Eddie says "wait isn't that the homeschooled kids bike?" Bill says. Bev's eyes widened "we have to help him!" We drop our bikes and run towards the woods entering a clearing and see Henry bowers shoving this kid into old rottin meat. "Leave him alone Henry." Bev spoke he turns and looks at us smirking letting out a chuckle "She'll do you. All you have to do is ask nicely like I did." He says while grabbing his dick I roll my eyes as Ben let's out a scream they laugh at him. Angered I grab a rock and chuck it at Henry's head "what the fuck" he says "rOCK WAR!-" Richie yells before getting pelted in the forehead with a rock. I laugh a little and help him up grabbing more and chucking them at Henry and his goons. Eddie yelled and jumped down on to a rock and got closer to them. Henry's goons ran away and left him there "go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Everyone left but me, I walk into the water onto the other side "what do you want?" Henry states I don't say anything I just hand him a bandage I got from Eddie. "T-thanks.." He says quietly as I walk away. I smile at him and nod.


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