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I was hanging at Eddies because  my mom didn't trust me anymore and didn't like what happened to me and banned me from hanging out with the losers club. And unfortunately that meant no more hanging out with trash mouth .... We were currently in the pharmacy getting his pills and a refill for his inhaler. "They're placebos ya know." I heard Greta say, I was looking at the candy they had. After a while I walk up and see her pull her marker back from Eddies cast. I see him smile at her then look down at his cast and his smile fades into a frown. I look at it, she had written 'loser' in bold black writing. "You bitch." I say she turned and looked at me fear evident In her eyes "yo-you can't do anything to me you'll rip your stitches open." I smirk and somehow managed to grab her hair over the counter and I smash her face into the counter she looks up and her nose is obviously broken and is bleeding EVERYWHERE. "What did I say about messing with people I care about?" She started crying, we simply left. As soon as we walked into the front door of his house I drag Eddie to the kitchen where I had earlier seen a red marker. "Gimme your cast." He stuck his arm out reluctantly, I put a 'V' in red over the 'S' in loser so it said 'loVer' he smiled when I finished. "Have you heard from Richie?" I frown and set the marker down on the counter "no.." Eddie laughed a little "he likes you so don't worry." My face heats up "I-I-" he smiled "I know you like him too, everyone knows you two like each other. We're just waiting for him to grow a pair and ask you out." He said nonchalantly I blush even harder "i-if he won't ask me then I'll ask-" I was cut off by the telephone ringing "I'll get it!" Eddie yelled I watch him say "yes" and "we'll be there soon" he hangs up and nods his head towards the door trying to sneak out. But his mother soon rounded the corner "who was that?" I look down at the floor and block out their conversation until I feel Eddies hand grab mine and we're running out of his house with his mother yelling at us..
To be continued....

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