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I chased after Bill and entered a clearing "holy shit-" I say but bill cut me off, "BEVERLY!" He yelled I finally look up and see her... floating? He runs and jumps trying to grab her foot, I do the same. "Maybe if you give me a boost or we could use something from the pile to stand on." I suggest he nods and we trudge over to the toy pile I go to look for things to use when I hear him stop rummaging and there's a giggle. A little kids giggle. "Oh common give us a fucking break." I whisper. We follow the little kid around the pile, we hear the others come in but me and bill are too focused on the little kid in the yellow rain coat. "Wheres (Y/n)?-" I hear Richie's panicked voice, I knew he saw Bev he was scared I was gonna end up like her. We all were scared we would end up like her... "(Y/n)?! Common love where are you?!" I back away from bill and the little kid, I had a gut feeling that something weird and kinda bad was gonna happened and I wanted to see Richie before it did. I round the corner "I'm right here." I say his worried eyes settle on mine "thank fuck." He mumbled as he engulfed me in a hug. My cheeks go pink and I hug him back. "Hey rich?" I whisper "yeah?" He says, I hold him tighter to me "I just want to say that um... I appreciate you being there for me and I um... like you... a lot.. I may possibly even love you.. I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen and I wanted to get that off my conscious if anything happened to me or yo-" he kissed me. hE fRiCkeN KisSeD mE. HIS LIPS ARE ON MY LIPS. It was a weird kiss I don't think we did it right but who cares, I'm just glad he was my first kiss. And yeah it  wasn't the time or place but for a moment everything seemed normal even though we were in a sewer drain, fighting a psycho clown who you only saw in your head. In that moment everything seemed normal. I pulled away and rubbed the spit from my face and smiled at him watching him do the same. "I know it's probably not a good time but um.. will you be my girlfriend?" I smile even bigger and nod and hug him again and once again our happiness was cut short. I jumped into him as Eddie yelled at us scaring the fuck outta me "Can you two love birds stop mixing saliva and help us with Bev?!" We nod and rush over. When we finally get her down her eyes were glossed over, "no no no.." Ben says "wake up Bev!" He yells the losers club gives up, then Ben kisses her "awe common man don't do that-" Richie says and we all looked away until we heard a gasp and Bev's eyes no longer were glossed over, she looked around the group. "Thank you," she says to Ben and she engulfed him in a hug....
First of all I am soooooo sorry for not updating and that this chapter isn't long. I have some explaining to do, well I got one I had writers block for the longest time and didn't know how to add (Y/n) in the story without it sounding weird. And two after I did figure it out I was dumb and did stupid things and got myself grounded for a month. I'm so sorry my lovelies. I'm planning on keeping up with updating, also I'm working on another book right now. It's about Captain America: civil war, and there's another one it's in the works idk if I'll actually do it but a story that takes place in Riverdale franchise. Would some if you guys be interested in that? Again I'm so so so so sorry for not updating.

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