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I wince and feel someone pick me up, "BEN!" They yell "common lets get out of here!" "Don't let him get away." Some days calmly, I groan and sit up, "woah-" my head is fucking spinning, I hear Eddie screaming and Ben crying. "Bill we have to help Eddie!" "Im gonna snap it back in place-" "no-no do not fucking touch me!" I turn to my left to see that mike was holding me and Richie was tending to Eddie while Bev was helping Ben. I blacked out and came back to r laity from the noise of hearing a crack and a high pitched scream. Someone grabbed my hand and next thing I know we're running out of the house. I black out again until someone forcefully grabs me. "You- you did this this!" The person was saying it sounded like a lady, I open my eyes and see Ms. K and she's holding my hand as well as eddies shoulder "you know how delicate he is, and (y/n)!! Look at her!" She walking us to her car "w-we were attacked Ms.K" she drops her keys and Bev went to pick them up "and you! I've heard a lot about you. Stay away from my Eddie I don't want a filthy girl like you around my boy." She turned to her car and puts Eddie in the back seat and me in the front and drives away. I slowly see our friends disappear in the summer heat.

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