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We rode our bikes down the street and met up with the rest of the losers club, "w-what happened?" I asked. Eddie hadn't told me why we ran away "I-It got Beverly." Bill said My eyes widened and I nodded slowly then I noticed the gun that Mike had We dropped our bikes in front of the so called crack house. "Guys spikes." Bill says we scavenge the front of the house for sharp things, we start walking in, I was half way through the threshold when I heard Ben say "Stan?" All of us look back at the entrance and see him standing there reluctantly "Stan we all have to go" Bill says I reach my hand out for him "Its ok Stan. I'll be with you the entire time." He nods slowly and takes my hand, I give him a small smile. I turn around and see Richie glaring at Stans hand intertwined with mine. "Common love birds get a room you make me sick." He rolled his eyes and trudged deeper into the crack house. My smile faded 'I try to help other people and when I do it just makes another person mad.' I keep my gaze on the floor as we walk down to the basement. I feel Stan squeeze my hand , I look up at him, "hey its ok he's just jealous.. we all know he likes you and I'm pretty sure you know as well." He says "so don't beat yourself up over it and smile." I let out a chuckle "can't really smile since we're about to either be liked by a killer clown or we get lucky and we kill him." Stand let out a dry laugh "true.." we stop in front of a well "get that rope." Before I know it I'm climbing down a rope Richie has his arms out trying to reach my waist without falling and plummeting to this death "common babe your so close just an inch more" (A/n: sounds so dirty..) I reach for his hand when I hear a scream, I look up and see Bowers laughing down at us. The tranquilizers fall in I somehow catch them with my foot, i slowly move my foot towards Richie, he takes the tranqs and then reaches for me I grab his hand and put my foot on the end of the sewer drain the rope starts to shake and I lose my grip on it, "Richie please don't drop me!" My entire body weight was being held my him "use your other hand and grab on to my arm." I reach my hand out and grab his other hand, "pull!" He yelled the losers club helped pull me up, "are you ok?" Richie says while holding me close to him, I nod and move away looking up at the well "me almost dying is the least of our problems! Mike so still up there!"
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.. just really stressed out rn. 😕💔

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