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As we walk away the mysterious kid speaks up "Thanks Guys  but you didn't have to do that he'll be after you too now." "Oh no no no bowers? He's always been after us." Eddie states "I guess t-t-that's one thing we all have in common." Bill said "yeah homeschool welcome to the losers club." Richie chimed in.

(Time skip again lol)

We were in downtown Derry and there was a parade of some sort

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We were in downtown Derry and there was a parade of some sort. I laugh as I watch Richie play the tuba and the boy who owns it is trugglung to get it back. We stood around a missing poster. It was Edward Corcoran. "They said they found apart of his hand all chewed up by the stan pipe." Stan says "he asked to borrow a pencil once.." Ben says Bills eyes narrowed and he lifted up the poster to reveal Betty Ripsoms missing poster. "I-it's likes shes been f-f-forgotten b-because Corcoran is missing." I glance at Richie 'what the fuck dude' he exclaimed as the boy took his instrument back "will it ever end?" Stan asks Eddie comes out of no where holding two ice cream cones "what are you guys talking about?" He says while taking a lick of his ice cream. Richie walks over and sighs "what they always talk about.." Ben looks at Stan "I actually think it will end.. for a little while at least." "What do you mean?" Bev says confused Ben looks over the whole group and takes a deep breath "so I was going through my Derry research.. and I charted out all the big events. The iron works explosion in 1908, the Bradley gang in 1935, and the black spot in 1962.. and now kids being taken-" Everyone was silent waiting to hear something good anything that'll give us hope of when this fucking nightmare would end. "I realized this stuff seems to happen-" Ben was cut off by Bill "every 27 years." We walked away from the missing posters and sat down on a bench in front of this lumberman statue. "Ok lemme get this straight-" Eddie starts "it comes out from where ever to eat kids for a year and then what? It just goes in hibernation?" Stan sighed "maybe it's like.. what do you call it.. saccades. Ya know? The bugs that come out once every 17 years?" Mikes face was grim "my grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing.. an evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry." Stans eyebrows furrow "but it can't just be one thing" he says "we all saw something different." His voice cracked at the end "maybe or maybe it knows what scares us most-" my eyes went wide 'fuck' I think "so that's what we see." "I-I saw a leper." Eddie stuttered out.. He was like a walking infection." Stan looks at him obviously confused "but you didn't" I say "because it isn't real." Stan says finishing my sentence. "None of this is not Eddies leper.. o-or Bill seeing Georgie.. or the woman I-I keep seeing.." Richie's head perks up "was she hot?" He says with a smirk Stan looks at him as if he were joking "No Richie! She's not hot!-" Richie's smirk fades "her face it's all messed up.. none of this makes any sense. They're like bad dreams.." Mike sighed "even then so I know the difference between a bad dream and real life ok?" "What did you see?" I ask "did you see it too?" Eddie says Mike nods "yes.. you guys know that burnt down house on Harris avenue?.. I was inside when it burnt down.. before I was rescued my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me they were pushing and pounding on the door-" he let a deep breath out, and I saw him tense up. I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently basically telling him it's ok "but it was too hot.. when the firemen finally found them.. the skin on their hands had.. melted down to the bone-" Everyone shifted uncomfortably. "We're all afraid of something.." he said quietly "got that right." Richie says while looking back at a stage a couple feet behind us. "Why rich? What are you afraid of?" Eddie asks Richie pushed his glasses to be more in his nose. "Clowns.." he mumbled out "And you (Y/n) ?" I took my hand off mikes shoulder for the question took me completely off guard. "M-my papa.." I say while looking down. I know they didn't understand why I was afraid but they knew it wasn't good.

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