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We all head back to bills house, I hop off my bike, open the garage and turn on the projector. Bill put in a slide of the entire map of the sewers "Look-" He points to the map on the wall "-everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the house-" "on neibolt street.." Stan says I take a deep breath and hear Eddie taking a puff from his inhaler. "That's where IT lives." Bill said while he stares at the map. Eddie jumps up "I'm not doing this!" He yells and rips the map off the wall. "What the hell! Put the map back!" Bill yells Eddie shakes his head no. The projector slides showing a pictures of Georgie. "What happened?" Bill says while mesmerized by the photos, Eddie walks back to us as Mike gets up and tries to switch it back but it won't budge. It keeps going until it stops at a family picture. Bill's dad with his hand on Bill's shoulder, Bill holding Georgie's hand and Georgie holding his moms hand. All of them smiling except for the mom, her hair is in her face and you can't see her. It zooms in on Georgie's face then it goes to Bill's mom's face and keeps zooming in, I get this gut wrenching feeling telling me to back up, run or turn it off! Anything really. We start to see pennywise's face and I grab Eddies hand, "oh fuck!!" I scream I pull him back with me and I have my arms around him, "What's that!" He yells, I noticed that Richie is just standing there, I let go of Eddie and grab Richie's elbow pulling him back. I hold the two boys as the pictures zoom in more, "Turn it off!" Bev yells my eyes widened as the hair moves out of Bill's mom's face revealing pennywise. "Turn it off!" Bev screams again Mike kicked the projector and we all let go of each other. I start to walk toward the garage door but then the projector starts up again. Blurry pictures of pennywise are being shown and I grab Bev's arm and I start to shake everyone stands there as the screen goes blank, I hear Eddie gasping for air. Pennywise pops out of the screen and looks at the boys then looks at me and Bev. My eyes widened as he makes his way towards us "no!" I scream and shove Bev towards bill letting pennywise corner me, I start crying. "Just leave us alone.." I say while shaking as he lunges for me I hear a scream and the garage door go up revealing light.

To be continued...

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