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                                                                                Once I got home I took a shower, I brushed my teeth and combed my wet hair. I walked into my room and checked the time. 9:59 my alarm clock read. I sighed and flopped on the bed!deciding to go to bed early tonight.

12:05 AM

I woke up the middle of the night to frog face throwing rocks at my window. You groan, get up and open your window, "What the fuck? It's 12 am. This better be good Tozier." I said with a grumpy tone, "m-my parents are f-fighting can i stay h-here?" I sigh and just nod even though Richie and I didn't really know each other well  and it was kinda weird that he came to me instead of like Eddie's house or Bill's. I still was his friend and would be there for him. I move out of the way to let him in. "W-where should i sleep?" I point to my bed while rubbing my left eye and yawning. "Where are you gonna sleep?" I point to my bed again. He chuckled "wouldn't be my first time in a bed with a girl." "Gross.." I mutter out. I close the window and lock my bedroom door and shove Richie on to my bed and lay down next to him "Good night frog face" I felt him shift "Good night dweeb." he replies.

                               2:32 AM

I woke up to whimpering and thrashing, it took me a moment before I realized it was Richie. I wake up immediately and shook his shoulders before he woke up crying. I held him and ran my fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. "Its ok love.. It was just a nightmare." He sobbed into my chest and held on to me for dear life. "B-but it felt s-so real.." I hummed "Shh its ok it was just a dream.. lets go back to sleep yeah?" He didn't move for a while then a couple minutes later I felt him nod and i covered us in my blanket and still held him running my fingers through his hair until he fell asleep again. I took his glasses off slowly and set them on my night stand. When I turn back to face Richie, I can see his face in the moon light. I notice the way his freckles start under his left eye but then kinda stop mid way and continue over his nose and under his right eye, I notice that his eye lashes are really long and that his raven black hair kinda has some light coloring to it where it barley sweeps over his eyes. For fucks sake Tozier.. I might've fallen for you... F U C K.

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