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After exploring the barrens we ended up at the pharmacy because this kid Ben had a huge cut on his stomach, we were outside when Eddie, Stan and Bill came rushing back. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet. Bill left again and came back a few moments later with Bev. "Ben from soc? And (Y/n)?" she walks over and looks at Ben's wound, her eyes widened before he covered it up "Are you ok that looks like that hurts." he smiled "oh no i'm good i just fell." Richie scoffs "Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." I watch Bills face strain "shut it, R-R-Richie!"  he rolls his eyes "Why? its the truth." everyone goes silent for a couple minuets before Bev speaks up "You sure they got the right things to fix you up?" she winked at him. "You know w-w-w-we'll take care of him.. thanks again Beverley." she nods "Sure, maybe i'll see you around." Bill turns and looks at us. "Hey (Y/n) how's it hanging? Have you seen Greta? She has a busted lip and a black eye." She says with a chuckle, the losers club all looked at me "Well she was asking for it. I'll gladly do it again." I say with a smile. "Woah woah woah hold on here-" Richie says "Your the one who gave Greta a busted lip and black eye?" I shrug and nod "She was harassing bev. I always help a fellow girl in need." Richie let out a small 'wow..' it went silent again before Bill spoke up "We were maybe thinking about going to the q-q-q-quarry tomorrow, if you wanna... come?" you looked over at Richie and saw his eyes widened at the scene unfolding before him. Bev smiled "Good to know. Thanks.." she waved and walked away. As soon as she was out of sight Eddie and Stan got on Richie about bring up Bowers. "Nice going, bringing up bowers in front of her." Stan says with irritation in his voice "Yeah, did you hear what she did?"  Eddie chimed in you and Stared at them confused. "what did she do?" I asked Richie looked at me and smirked "More like who'd she do. From what i hear the list is longer than my wang" Richie says while grabbing his dick. Before I could even say anything and or smack Richie in the head Stan took a deep breath and muttered out "Thats not saying much." I started to laugh so hard Icould barely breathe. "They're  j-j-just rumors.." Bill says Richie shook his head "Anyway Bill had her back in third grade. They kissed in the school play. The reviews said you cant fake that sort of passion." He clapped his hands together "Now, pip pip and tally-ho my good fellow's, i do believe this chap requires our utmost attention. Get in there doctor K. and fix him up!" Eddie bent down to Ben's stomach while i held back a laugh "Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein, because i know what i'm doing and i don't want you doing the British guy." Eddie claims .Richie's voice changed from an old accent to a brit one, "Suck the wound, get in there" I laughed. "Well guys i'm gonna  get going, see you al at the quarry tomorrow." I hopped on my bike and rode home. "Hey mom!" I didn't get a response "Mom?" I found a note taped to my bedroom door. 'I'll be out tonight. i'm working a double. I'll be here when you wake up tomorrow. -mom' I shrugged and walked in my room. Falling asleep thinking about what'll happen tomorrow.

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