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(The length your hair got cut)

And I see my papa, I hear Eddie yelp and next thing I know I'm pulled down and fall into the next floor of the house and land in something squishy. I look up and don't see Eddie anywhere "Eddie!!" I yell I feel something move underneath me and groan "oh shit I'm sorry!" I scoot off of him and examine his arm until I hear something creak, me and Eddie look at each other then slowly look towards the old fridge. It started to break open and then the door fully opened and out came IT. Me and Eddie scoot back against the old oven while IT gets in our faces. We hang on to each other, IT gets too close and Eddie hits IT in the face, IT takes Eddies left arm and brings it to his mouth and acts as if he's gonna eat it, he does this once more before I can't take it and use my left leg to kick his face, he falls backwards and laughs creepily, then gets back up and crawls towards me grabbing my ankle and pulling me toward him, Eddie is hanging on to my upper arm and , we both start screaming, "tasty, tasty beautiful fear." IT said while drool was falling out of his mouth, "let go of me yo freak! Eddie don't let go of me!" I scream as I see IT smirk and I see the rows of sharp teeth that miraculously grew within seconds "whAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE!" I yell referring to IT's teeth, he pounced on me and Eddie only had one hand so he had to let go, I look back at Eddie "it's ok... let go!" He whimpered and shook his head no, "Eddie it's fine.. don't look ok?" He started crying and let go of my hand , I saw him look away.

'Well this is it (Y/n).. dying at the hands of a fucking killer clown. At least I made a great group of friends along the way.'

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, I could feel the drool dripping into my cheek, then we hear a door open and the drooling stops. 'What the dick?' I open my eyes and see IT isn't looking at me but he's looking to the left side where the hallway is "HELP! HELP!" Eddie screams I hear fast footsteps combing done the hall then the door flies open "holy fuck!" Richie whispers I look at him and I see pure terror, "(Y/n), Eddie!" IT turns his body to face them. "This isn't real enough for you billy? I'm not real enough for you?" He sounds almost like he's offended.. "Oh shit.." Richie says when he sees me pinned beneath IT, it cackles "It was real enough for Georgie!" I whimper as IT lunges for Richie and Bill, he's laughing and out of no where Bev stabs IT in the eye, I scoot back to Eddie, IT starts wailing. "Get Eddie and I'll get (Y/n)!" Richie yells, they all run towards us, they're asking a us questions but I keep my eyes on the killer clown, "Guys we need to get out of here!" I hear Bev whimper, (Y/n)? (Y/n) you need to get up!" Richie yells but I'm too focused on IT "(Y/n)! Come on!" He pulls me but I'm stuck in fear, I can't move "(Y/n)! Look at me!" He grabs my face and makes me look at him "Focus on me, we need to leave ok? If we don't leave I won't be able to ask you a special question ok?" I nod slowly , Bev tugs and Richie's shirt pulling him back a little, IT lunges and it's like I'm watching in slow motion, I push Bev's legs back so She's in the corner, I shift and grab Richie using my body as a shield I feel IT's claw scape against my back and I scream. I hear someone else scream and I hear IT laughing...
To be continued...

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