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My head feels a little lighter and that's when I realized that when pennywise lunges at me he cut my long hair. That didn't matter right now , I turn and see Ben by the garage door, I practically run to him and hug him. I pull away and kiss his cheek "holy fuck thank you Ben oh my fucking fuck." I say as I start to ramble. I turn to the whole group and they're staring at me "What?" I say feeling insecure with everyone's eyes on me "You put Bev's life before your own.." Eddie says "a-and is that such a bad thing?" I say back everyone shake they're head no. I look at Richie and he just stares at me when I see something in his eyes and he just snaps at me "aRE YOU CRAZY YOU COULD HAVE FUCKING DIED OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? GOD YOUR CRAZIER THAN HENRY BOWERS HIMSELF-" Eddie put a hand in his shoulder and gripped it tightly which each word he said "Rich calm down.. your right. She almost did die so we should be comforting her and not yelling at her." Eddie says through gritted teeth. Richie huffs and looks at everything but me. Bill starts talking about going to the neibolt house but I'm just so focused on Richie I don't even hear what he's saying. Until I heard Richie say "yeah... it's summer we should be outside.." Bill's face showed anger "If-f you say it's s-s-summer one m-m-more fucking time.." Bill shakes his head and hops onto his bike. "Bill!" Bev calls out but he just keeps going and we watch him until he turns the corner. "Common guys we cant let him go alone.."'I say hopefully convincing them they all groan and nod and we make our way towards the Neibolt house.

Right as we pull up to the crack house I see Bill on the porch, about to open the door

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Right as we pull up to the crack house I see Bill on the porch, about to open the door. "Bill!" I yell out, I hop off my bike "Bill you can't go in there!" Bev says following me "this is crazy." She says he sighs and slightly glares at us "look you don't have to come with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing or another Betty or another Eddie Corcoran or one of us! Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because.. I can't." He looks over us with tears in his eyes and my heart aches for him.. losing his little brother and in such a horrible way.. "I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys , his stupid stuffed animals .. but he isn't." He Blinked back the tears and looks at us hard "so walking into this house, for me.. it's easier then walking into my own." He turned towards the door again "wow" Richie said "what?" Me and Ben say in unison Richie's eyes follow Bill "he didn't stutter once." Richie walks up the steps, Ben following him and me and Eddie behind the two "Wait!" Stan yells out "um.. shouldn't we have some people keep watch?.. you know just incase something bad happens?" Bill looks over us again "w-who wasn't t-to stay out here?" Richie, Ben, Me, Eddie, Mike and Stan all raise our hands. I look around the group until I hear Richie sigh and say "Fuck." Bill proceeds to open the door, Me, Richie and Eddie behind him. "I can't believe I pulled the short straw." Richie says as we enter the house "you guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks." Eddie sighed "shut up Richie." Eddie made a weird face and I let out a small chuckle "I can smell it." He said I shrugged. Richie and I went towards the left while Bill and Eddie went towards the right "Don't breathe through your mouth." I raise my eye brow at him and tilt my head slightly "how come?" He let out a breath "because then your eating it." I heard Eddie gasp and gag then a little puff could be heard "you ok Eddie?" I ask He put a thumbs up while taking puffs of his inhaler. Richie walked over to a tree that was growing inside of the house, "What is it?" I ask, I see a piece of paper. He grabs it, reads it and looks up at me
"What's the matter?" This caught Eddie and Bill's attention and they walk over. "It.. it says I'm missing." "Your not missing Richie." Bill says sternly "Police department, city of Derry. That's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face." "Calm down it isn't real!" Bill tried to take the paper but Richie just moves it away. "that's my name, that's my age! That the date!" I grab his face and force him to look at me "It. Isn't. Real. Ok? It's not real he's just playing tricks on you. Your not gonna go missing. Your gonna stay right here with me ok frog face?" His breathing calmed down and he nodded and we proceeded upstairs. Bill and Richie in the front me and Eddie in the back. Me and Eddie were walking slower I noticed that Eddie kept looking over his shoulder. I wanted to say it was gonna be ok but my gut told me that something was gonna go wrong. I hear Bill and Richie say "Betty?" And they run after 'her' "h-hey Wait!" Eddie yells but it's too late the door had slammed when Eddie and I got close to the door the floor opened up in front of us. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I start to say, I turn and see...
To be continued...

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