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We heard grunts and some yelling then Henry came falling down the well, somehow I don't even know how but I caught his hand, "Henry?! Snap out of it!" I looked in his eyes and they were cloudy, something's wrong with him I thought. "Let him go are you insane?! He just tried to kill mike!" Richie yelled at me "no there's something wrong-" he scoffed "obviously he just tried to kill our friend!" I begin to pull Henry up, once in the sewer drain all the losers crawled towards the end and watched from afar afraid he was gonna attack at any moment, except for me and Richie we sat next to him. "Henry?" He looked up at me "a-are you ok?" He shook his head no "it's in my head- it wants me to kill you guys..." I reach for his hand and he flinched "I'm not gonna hurt you.." he reluctantly let me take his hand, "it's gonna be ok.. come with us help us kill it." He looks up from the spot he was starting at "h-how do we know I-I won't go crazy again and he makes me h-hurt you guys.. it made me kill my dad.. and I know I bully you guys a lot but it's because I'm jealous. You have family that actually give a shit about you.. I don't and.. I'm sorry.." he whispered the last part and I saw the boy who wore this tough badass facade break. I heard Richie take a deep breathe "Eddie pass me your inhaler-" Richie took three puffs. "Henry Bowers just... apologized.." he whispered to himself, Henry looked me in the eyes and I saw the cloudiness in them fade in and out "I care about you- I'll be your family." The cloudiness completely goes away and he looks at me surprised, the 'spell' broken "y-you will? Even after m-my dad?" I nod, he smiled sadly "thank you.." "not w let's go beat the fuck up outta that thing that fucked with all of us."
(A/n: I don't know how I feel about making Henry go soft on the losers.. might rewrite this part later on)
after I said that we heard screaming, we all crawled down the tunnel and ran towards the screaming , it was Stanley. It was leaning over him and had bitten his face, he was crying "you said you wouldn't leave me" he said as Eddie and Richie held him it laughed and crawled away "I know I know and we're sorry." Eddie said "Bill! Where are you going?!" Richie yelled, I run after bill "Bill!"

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