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After Richie helped calm my breathing down I realized I was just sitting there in his lap... hOLY SHIT IM IN HIS LAP?! I felt my self blush and I get off of him immediately. "What happened in there? If you don't mind me asking?.." He looked at his fingers and started to fiddle with them. "I saw my papa... and he um.. would um.. rape me..." I look at everything but him... I was gonna run away and hide in my room "is it ok if I hug you?" I sighed a little and looked up at him a small smile tugged at my lips. Everyone was always touching me and never asked if I wanted to be touched because well ever since what my papa did to me.. I don't really like when people touch me... and it's like he just.. knew. I swear I'm falling for him even harder.. I nod slowly and he engulfs me into a warm embrace. "I'm sorry.." he whispered in my ear.. we just sat there holding onto each other. That is until the phone rang I got up and went into the living room. "Hello?" "H-hey (Y/N) it's B-bill.. can you m-m-met the l-losers club at B-Beverly's?" "Sure! When?" "R-r-right now?" "I'll be there in ten." I hung up and sighed. "Who was it?" Richie asks "It was Bill we need to go to Bev's. It's an emergency." He nods and we both rush upstairs getting dressed. "You ready?" I ask him he nods and we race out the house. I Hop on my bike and wait patiently for him to get his from the side of my house. How my mom didn't see it? No one will know.

*time skip brought to you by penny wise*

We get to her house about the same time the others do

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We get to her house about the same time the others do. "What's the emergency?" I ask softly she asks us to go upstairs. "My dad would kill me if he knew I had boys in the house..." the losers club all look at me and Richie "what?" I say raising my eye brow. "You two stay here." Eddie says I shrug my shoulders "what do we do if her dad comes back?" Richie exclaims "Talk to him." Stan reply's as they walk up the stairs. I take a seat on the stairs as does Richie. "So..." I say "sooo..." He reply's. "Why-" "are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" I look behind us and see a little girl. "No-" "yes we are." Richie says sweetly to her while grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. I can feel
my cheeks heat up. He looks at me and his eyes soften "She just said no. If your boyfriend and girl friend prove it!" She taunts We look back at each other. "Can I kiss your cheek?" I nod slowly and feel my face get even hotter. He kissed my cheek. The little girl giggles and runs away screaming "They've got cooties!"
To be continued....

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