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(Two dress options 🤷🏻‍♀️)
I woke up bright and early, I put on a wrap dress so it'd be easy to take off at the quarry. I wrote mom a note saying I'd  be out with some friends but would be back by curfew. I grabbed my bag and quietly went down stairs not wanting to wake my mother. By the time I  got to the quarry the boys were all standing there talking among themselves. Bev and I got there at the same time "I like your hair." I whisper, she smiled I look towards the Boys and smirk. We both nodded, undressed when we heard Bill say "who's  first?" Bev and I lock hands "we'll go" we both run past them with Bev saying "Sissies." as we jump I hear Richie yell "What the fuck!" he stared in awe "Aw holy shit. Not only did we get shown up by a girl.. we got shown up by two girls!" he exclaimed Stan turned and looked at him "Do we have to do that now?" Eddie looked at him with worry in his eyes "Yes." "Come on!" I yell "Yeah we don't have all day now." Bev yelled "Oh shit.." Stan muttered and one by one they each jumped. We were all splashing each other, "Lets play chicken!" I exclaimed they all agreed. "R-Richie!" I gasp as he went under me and lifted me onto his shoulders. "This isn't the only way i can make you gasp." My eyes widened and a blush came over my cheeks "S-shut it Tozier." he laughed "You sound like Bill." "H-Hey!" We got on with the chicken fight and with one final push Bev and Bill fell back into the water. "We won!" I yell as Richie puts me down "Victory is ours!" he yells we get really close and are in each others faces, I lean in and so does he, before I head "Will you guy's kiss already?" Stan says, Richie moved away from me "K-kiss? hehe no.. i would n-nerve k-kiss Frog face..No way..." he scoffed "And i would never t-think about k-kissing (Y/n)... ever... like ever..like-" Eddie sighed "We get it!" We swim a little inward towards shore , we were splashing each other eventually took a break and Bev and I laid down on started to sun bathe and I  turn the radio on.

'This here's a tail for all the fellas. Tryin; to do what those ladies tell us, Get shot down cause ya over-zealous , Play hard to get females get jealous, Okay smarty go to a party, girls are scantily clad and showin; body. A chick walks by you wish you could sex her but you're  standin on a wall like you was pointdexter, Next day function high class luncheon, food is served and you're stone cold munchin'-

Both Bev and I turn to look at the boys and they immediately look away. I giggle "Like what you see? heres my camera take a picture boys it'll last longer." I of course didn't actually mean it but Richie by then was already digging through my backpack pulling out my Polaroid camera. I blush and stand up. 'Oh what the fuck do I have to lose. Well.. maybe my dignity.. ' I think , I shrug anyway and pose, Bev laughs and sits next to Bill Looking over some of the stuff Ben researched on Derry, Eddie snatched the camera out of Richie's hand and takes a picture of me, I laugh and pose again pouting my lip out. Richie snatched the camera back and took the picture of me. "Hey Eddie spaghetti come pose with me!" I watched his face go red and he stood up and stood there awkwardly, I sighed and pulled his arm around my waist and rested my head on his shoulder. Stan came up behind us and put bunny ears, "Alright frog face it's your turn to pose with me." Richie stood up almost as if he were waiting for me to say that. "Ok." he gave the camera to Stan. Richie stood next to me "what should i do?" I put his hands in an interlocked positions in out them in front of him I placed my lips on Richie's cheek, closed my eyes and lifted on leg up. Stan snapped two pictures, it was funny because in the first one you can see Richie's face all flushed and in the next he made a funny face. "Everyone lets take a picture?" I asked hopefully after everyone took a picture with me, I shoved all the polaroids in my backpack, I placed them in between my note book so the wouldn't get smashed. "They did a study once, and as it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average." My head perks up and my eyes go wide, Bev fiddles with her fingers "You read that?" he nods "And not just grown ups. Kids are like worse, way way worse.." everyone goes quiet... "Iv'e got more stuff if you wanna see it?" Eddie shakes his head no buuuut we go anyways. I walk in and take in his room "woah, woah, woah, woah, wow." Richie says as he walks up to one of the walls "Cool huh?" Ben says "No , nothing cool. Theres nothing cool.." Richie replies "Ooh this is cool- this right here oh wait no it's not" Eddie says "Whats that?" I ask and Stan points to the piece of paper on the wall that I'm talking about, "That? That's the charter ship for Derry Township." Ben states Richie glances at Stan and back at the wall "Nerd alert." "No actually, it's really interesting. Derry started as a beaver trapping camp-" Richie cut him off "Still is, am i, right boys?"  he goes for a high five, Ben sighed "Ninety-one people signed the charted that made derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Eddie looked at Ben as if he were joking "The entire camp?" "There were rumors of Indians... But no sign of an attack everybody thought it was the plague or something but its like one day everyone just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well-house." Richie said something but I wasn't paying attention because I  saw Bev closing the door revealing a 'New Kids On The Block' poster Ben looks at me and Bev "Please"  He mouths to both of us, i smile and nod and move the door back Ben smiles. "Where was the well-house?" Bill asks "I don't know somewhere in town i guess. Why?" Bill looks at Ben's wall again "Nothing.."

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