Chapter Twenty-Seven:

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I'd fulfilled my promise to Peeta. The first thing I did after being awoken by Camellia was get dressed and drop her off with Finnick and Annie. Then I went down to visit Peeta.

He was already awake, of course. Some members of his team of doctors were there, but the ones that had showed up were all yawning and guzzling down coffee (which they had been given despite Thirteen's strict no coffee rule, for some reason.)

Peeta's eyes widened when I walked in. "Huh, you came back....I didn't think that you would."

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" I shot back.

"Did you come here to yell at me?" Peeta asked.

"I—no," I said, lowering my voice. "I guess I shouldn't have come—"

"Wait," Peeta said. I paused. "You came to tell me about Camellia, right? Did I say her name right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you did. It's one of the names you like, or at least you used to."

Peeta frowned. "I still like it."

The two of us were quiet for what seemed like hours. My legs were growing tired from standing, but I continued to stand.

"Maybe you should go if you don't have anything more to tell me," Peeta said harshly.

"Fine, maybe I should," I responded, but I wasn't going to leave and we both knew that.

"Where is she right now?" Peeta asked.

"I told you yesterday, she's in Thirteen."

Peeta rolled his eyes. "I know what District she's in, Katniss. I was just wondering who was watching her, unless you left her alone. I wouldn't put it pass you."

Anger boiled inside me. "Of course I didn't leave her alone! She's with Annie and Finnick."

"Oh, so you left her with a capitol sex worker and a mentally disoriented woman?" Peeta snapped, causing me to grow angry.

"Annie is completely capable of taking care of Camellia, you should see how much she adores her," I said. "And Finnick saved your life once, Peeta, I'd be more gracious if I were you."

What am I doing? I thought as I bit my lip. I didn't come here to argue with him.

Peeta sighed. "Fine."

"Fine," I echoed, somewhat mocking him. Why are things so difficult? Was it like this yesterday? Yesterday he'd shut up and let me talk. Then I knew what I had to say. "She lifted her head up yesterday."

Peeta frowned. "What?"

"Camellia—she lifted her head up a bit," I said. "It was just a little bit, though. She was laying in her crib and she lifted her head up a little bit to see me."

"Oh," Peeta said, a hint of what resembled a smile appearing on his face. "That's pretty quick for someone that young."

I shrugged. "I guess so."

I told Peeta more facts about Camellia for about another hour or so. I didn't know that there was so much to talk about as I'd only had Camellia for around two weeks, but he listened and wanted to know everything, no matter how small the detail.

After I'd left I found myself noting things I wanted to tell Peeta when with Camellia. I visited Peeta everyday after that, each of these visits around an hour long.

Right before one of these visits I found myself even looking forwards to it. I knocked on Prim and my mother's compartment door with no reply before realizing they both were working. A shipment of rebel soldiers had just arrived home from the capitol, many of them severely injured enough to need to be transported back to Thirteen.

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