Thank You!

2.7K 40 11

I cannot express how happy I am. You guys are the best. This book has reached 9k reads!

This is amazing! Thank you so much for reading the story. Sadly, you have reached the end. After forty-five chapters the end has come. I really hope you enjoyed this book!

If you have any comments or suggestions for this book, tell me! I won't be rude about it, I'd be thankful about it!

So, anyways, thanks for reading!



Wow. Okay I know constant updates are annoying but wow. 40k reads?!?! You guys are really the best!

I've been re reading this series and I still can't believe how many reads this has. You guys are so great. I still can't believe it's been over for a year. It seems like I wrote this all yesterday!

Anyways you guys are the best and I'm grateful for each and every one of you!

Also username change

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