Chapter Fourteen:

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I awoke in a hospital room, feeling sore. The memories of what I assumed yesterday flashed through my head. After Cressida had finished recording the smoke had gotten to me, causing me pass out. I remember brief snippets like being carried by Gale and being yelled at by Haymitch.

After a few minutes a nurse came in and instantly started fussing over me. They took my temperature, checked my eyes, ears, and reflexes.

"How are you feeling?" they asked.

Then it hit me—the baby hadn't kicked in a while. "The baby—are they okay?"

The nurse nodded and instructed me to lay down again, fluffing the pillows behind me. "Yes, they're alright. Their heartbeat is slightly erratic—"

"Erratic?" I asked frantically. "What does that mean, are they sick—?"

"It means that you need to stop being so stressed," the nurse cut me off. "And you also need rest. The doctor prescribed you bed rest for a week, and that includes meetings in command."

I groaned, but was thankful for less time in command. I especially wanted to avoid being screamed at for ignoring direct orders, something Coin had made very clear to not do.

"Do I have to stay in the hospital?" I asked. "How severe are my injuries?"

"We had to take some glass out from both your legs, but they've been healing nicely," the doctor explained. "I would say, for the baby's best interest, stay in the hospital and stay in bed. Please try to eat something as that'll help."

They dismissed themself, leaving me alone. I sighed and reluctantly ate some of the mushy food on the tray next to my bedside. Once I was done eating I fell into a thankfully dreamless sleep.

I was awoken to the sound of my doctor and another familiar voice arguing. I blinked open and saw through the open door that Gale was arguing with my doctor.

"Well, Coin requested her personally," Gale shouted, his arms crossed against his chest.

"She's on bed rest," the doctor counter-argued.

"So? Just put her in a wheelchair!" Gale protested. "She'll be sitting the entire time."

"If she strains herself she's in danger of miscarriage," the doctor said in a grave voice, which caused Gale to retreat. "Besides, she's asleep right now."

Gale turned to confirm and saw me awake. He bounded into my room. "You're up."

"What does Coin want?" I questioned. My doctor simply took a deep breath.

"Just to see you," Gale said, and I could tell that he was lying. I knew Gale, and I knew his mannerisms. He very rarely lied to me, not even to spare my feelings, so it was easy to tell when he did.

My doctor reluctantly agreed after giving me one final checkup. I was then helped into a wheelchair against my will and rolled to command by Gale, who refused to answer my questions.

Inside command was my prep team, Cressida and her crew, Plutarch, Haymitch, Coin and her assistants, and Boggs.

"There's our little star!" Octavia squealed with a weak round of applause that no one else joined. I felt my face burn red with embarrassment.

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