Offstage || Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Was Charlene wrong? Sound off and enjoy this chapter!


1987 – California


I slowly began to wonder if Charlene was even interested anymore. After two gifts and a direct apology, she still wouldn't call me. At the same time, I couldn't stop these feelings. It wasn't like this was the first time we'd met, either. I'd always remember grooving alongside this woman during those "Thriller" auditions years back. She was beyond talented, especially considering her quickness and accuracy. Almost as if the dance routine had been carved into her entire body. Natural and brilliant all at once.

Outside her skill toward performing, I found myself nearly melting each time Charlene smiled. Just beautiful and sweet. If only I hadn't allowed arrogance to cloud me during the "Bad" short film rehearsals. On the other hand, I apologized to Jeffery in person. We'd work on another project weeks from now.

I still didn't know if he and Charlene had met up again. Still, there wasn't much to question about anymore since reports of Charlene and Prince circulated everywhere now. I chose to keep my much and let Jeffery sulk on his own if he felt bitter or something. Beyond collaborations, we weren't even close like brothers.

All the same, I understood his possible resentment. As I've said, Prince charmed almost every woman on Earth right now. I still wouldn't be surprised if he and Charlene became physical. Possibly why she cut me off now. Frank quickly noticed my disappointed emotions after the gift attempts. Before long, we both agreed that I couldn't dwell on the situation anymore. It was clearly best to focus on recording this album.

By lunch, one of my personal assistants handed me a package. I didn't know what to think consider while almost blankly staring. We exchanged awkward smiles for a moment before she walked away. I sat across from Frank this time in the room. He joyfully ate his sandwich without that cigar.

Frank then squinted in my direction, smirking between bites. He wiped his mouth for a second before glaring at me once more. As if we were opening Christmas gifts on those presumed snow-white days. I still didn't celebrate major holidays, but as I've said, delight seemed universal.

"What's in there?" Frank grinned while questioning me. I peeked into the bag and smiled while noticing an envelope. After reaching in, Frank smirked at me once more. When the envelope turned in my hand, Frank first noticed my name at the center.

"I have no idea." I smiled once more. I quickly opened the envelope and Frank offered me a high-five. Engineers and Quincy Jones turned their heads to watch my additional reactions. After unfolding this creased paper, I noticed effortlessly shaped words written on the page.


It's me. We both know I've been distant regarding our connection, but I have many personal reasons why. Otherwise, I don't know when we could meet up again. What are you thinking? Dinner? Should I meet you at a studio session? Whatever you want, I'll do it. I'm genuinely sorry for shutting you out. Just give me time and I'll show you the true aspects of myself. I'm so much more than a straight go-getter and blatantly independent woman.

I'll call you tonight.


It was a surprise that I didn't faint. My heart punched from within. A lump formed my throat. Frank immediately noticed that my facial expression almost paled. Frank waved his hand in my face just to somehow wake me up back up. I shook out of the trance and even slapped my own cheek.

"Is this real?" I questioned, whispering. Frank nodded almost immediately. I felt like a child who encountered the greatest toy on Earth. Frank continued eating, but I noticed the humor that etched onto his face. I closed the paper and tucked that same message into my pocket before standing to throw away plate trash.


I returned home and paced the bedroom. Just a few hours into my insomnia, the phone shrilled. I straightened myself up and calmed down before answering. I didn't want to come off as too eager before talking on the line with someone. Especially a woman as fine or as great as Charlene.

"Hello?" I question her through happiness while sitting on the edge of my bed. A seemingly lonely silence filled the room. Even though I occupied myself with a conversation now. I began to wonder how Charlene spent her nights alone. Did she party before returning to her place? Was it just a straight shot home after taping "Soul Train?" While cliché, the possibilities seemed endless once more.

"Hey!" she beamed as if work hadn't drained this woman at all. "How are you, Michael? I see that you've gotten my note from this morning. How was your day?"

"Fine." I grinned while almost bashful. "Look, that was a such a heartfelt message and I accept your apology. I hope you've forgiven me for real this time and we can move past the drama. You're honestly such a talented person, but I really want to know who are you beyond that point. I'm not here to hurt you at all, girl."

"Well, I'm glad we're on the same page, Michael. I've thought about my behavior towards you and realized that I'm too old for the anger and whatnot. Let's start over. Please." Charlene sighed out loud. I completely understood why. Another bout of silence fell between us just before I spoke up again.

"Before starting over, I'd love to know why you're in such a good mood, Charlene." I almost winked even though she couldn't see my expression at all. On the other line, Charlene giggled to herself. Maybe there was one chance that a few drinks reached her system prior to this phone call. I wouldn't be surprised on a Friday night.

"Oh, I'm a night-owl when work hasn't exhausted me. Plus, I'm actually throwing a party right now." Charlene perked up again. My eyes narrowed for a moment. On the other hand, I did hear muffled but pulsed rhythms. Between our conversation, noise also consisted of laughter. Voices even chanted along with the music.

Not even moments later, I wanted to hang up. Prince himself shouted in the background. Jealousy coursed through my veins for the millionth time. Yet, I wanted to hear the truth from Charlene. Would this woman tour with my musical enemy or not? I braced myself for her response, but remained cordial in one way or another.

"What's the party for? And why wasn't I invited, Charlene?" I slyly began to question this woman once more. There was no point acting rude toward her anymore. I'd already lost points with considering my previous arrogance. Gaining back trust wouldn't be any easy process at all.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Please don't trip, okay? I've wanted to branch for years now and this is my chance, Michael." Her voice mellowed out. As if she knew what crossed my mind now. I shut both eyes and waited for the inevitable.

"What's going on, girl? I don't understand your point." I pretended to act naïve in one way or another. There was no other choice considering that I didn't want to open the wound of bitterness again. The last thing this woman wanted to confront during this stupid party was my anger.

"I'll take time off from Soul Train in a few months because I'm touring with Prince by summertime. He wants me to help choreograph a few of the records and We're going to Paris first." At this point, I couldn't help imagining the idea of Charlene grooving alongside my opponent. It felt as Charlene ahd said that my upcoming tour wasn't good enough. I'd planned to have many dancers for this excursion. We'd leave for Japan in September.

I sadly hung up. 

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