Offstage || Chapter 27

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Author's Note: Janet released "You Want This" for her album "Janet" in 1993, but I couldn't help using it for the chapter. Enjoy!


1988 California


(Verse 1)

My girls.
Been goin 'round talkin'.
They say that you been. .
Watchin' me boy.
I know.
By the way you're talkin'.
That you're really tryin.'
To get to me, boy.


Not anyone I'll just let in my heart.
You have to be hungry for me.
Girls may have been easy.
But you have to please me.
What makes me think that I can say this to you.
I know how bad you want this...

I rescheduled dance classes for next week and buckled down with Brenda for her very first live performance. I never thought a day would arrive where Brenda's arrogant publicist Kelly Dawson would apologize for that infamously terrible behavior. She, Reggie, and even Nicole had been waiting for one opportunity like this for years. A late-night talk show host offered to give Brenda her chance.

After one confirmation phone call, I felt ten times better and raced downtown for these rehearsals. By March, Bren would release an album called "Rollercoaster." Such a fitting title given the ups and downs of her career. I'd listened to many records throughout performance brainstorming and stumbled upon another up-tempo song.

When the beat hit, my creative mind exploded. Brenda could dance just as hard as any man, and I couldn't help using this record. I've never shuffled so fast while teaching in all my life. We boldly sported crop tops with parachute pants and just swung curls to those earsplitting rhythms. All throughout the routine our chests pumped. I even considered bringing in Rosie Perez at times, but she couldn't turn away from "Soul Train" now.

I casted female dancers in this case. Three ladies split into duo groups with Brenda and shuffled or pumped on that medium-sized stage. Underneath blue and white lights, everyone moved side-to-side or back-to-front. On and on. This was probably my favorite routine anyway.

While cliché, I've never felt more excited for a project besides "Soul Train" work in my life. The routine itself screamed "Comeback" for Bren. I could feel it and didn't even care about what anyone else might've thought. I prayed for success entirely whenever I left for the night.

The night of Brenda's interview, Stomached butterflies within me once. So much depended on her comeback right now. Even after praying, I nearly panicked, but caught myself. The door creaked open and this stagehand cued time for me reach the set. Brenda smiled from ear to ear with the late-night host.

I could finally calm down. When B and the host turned heads, I swallowed fear. Without hesitation, I exhaled and put on the "brave face." There was no other choice in view of the situation. We all shook hands and I quickly introduced myself before heading toward those nearby cameras. The studio audience piled without really noticing my presence. Nothing unusual. Whoops and more cheering echoed when Brenda and the host sat down.

3, 2, 1. I thought to myself.


Brenda and I couldn't even walk down the hallway and leave without one more stagehand interrupting. Bodyguards and a driver had accompanied our steps to the exit at this point. We rolled our eyes during this hour and walked into the opened dressing room. After one glance, I soon recognized the flashing answer-machine and picked up. Only God knew who called right now.

Michael, the night owl.

Poor Brenda watched from this couch with droopy eyes. I understood in one way or another and turned this phone away. We exchanged fatigued goodbyes and I shut the door behind me. Brenda Michelle deserved any form of sleep. In short, that woman killed her earlier performance.

By the end of "You Want This," her audience offered the best standing ovation. Even the host applauded with his trademark bright smile. I nearly teared up behind cameras. If the media wouldn't appreciate her after this, my heart and soul couldn't even imagine the wrath I'd feel. Again, we'd worked too hard for everything to crumble a second time.

"Hello?" I sighed into the receiver.

"Should I call another time? I just wanted to say I've seen Brenda's interview and the performance was incredible. Did you really put that dance together?" Michael answered with his usual tone of kindness. I didn't know what to think, but almost yawned. Rude, but exhaustion washed over me now.

"B and I mixed ideas, but yeah." I wouldn't even greet him with a salutation. His awake hours seemed to bug me in one way or another. Did the man ever sleep? I finally concluded that it wasn't even true and Jackson resembled a vampire. No one could tell me otherwise during this phone calls.

"The American tour kicks off next month in Kansas and I was wondering if you could make it." Michael seemed timid, but I couldn't exactly smile in response.

"I don't know, Michael." I hesitated. "I've got so much going on right now and just reached a breakthrough. Things might finally change for Brenda and...."

"How are you, though?" Michael cut me off to ask a completely different question.

"Happy." I whispered. "Sorry, but it's really late. I gotta go because a limo's waiting outside. Good night, Michael." That infamous round of awkward silence fell between us this time. Of course, I still didn't know what to think.

Michael hung up this time. 

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