Offstage || Chapter 13

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1987 – California


Mom showed up out of nowhere. I didn't know what to think when she suggested meeting me at an extravagant hotel. I never even considered protesting and rushed over as soon as possible. "Soul Train" could wait. I hadn't seen her in quite some time. Footsteps and conversations of other patrons filled my ears, I quickly entered through the rotating doors and smiled after turning left. Mom smiled in her glory. Bangs swooped over her forehead and Rayban sunglasses covered matching brown eyes. I hadn't grinned so broadly since the holidays last year.

We shared an overdue and rocking embrace. I couldn't even think about pulling away from her yet. Without hesitation, tears almost seeped from my eyes. Mom understood and cupped my overwhelmed face with both hands. She kissed the top of my head before finally separating our bodies. Those Raybans now topped the brim of her fashionable hairstyle. Laughable envy coursed through my veins as we chatted. Our heels moved along the marbled floor as I we headed toward a lavish dining room down the hall. A pristine chandelier placed directly above us.

"What's going on, Mommy?" I asked mid-step into the room. Piano melodies glided toward my ears while a hostess escorted us to one of several tables. I didn't know what to think when Mom removed her sunglasses. At the same time, my heart nearly stopped. This almost grieving stare caught me off guard to say the least.

I fought every urge to rush and ask numerous questions. Of course, I'd allow Mom to explain details on her on own. After all, she surprised me with a visit. Not the other way around. It wasn't until we rounded another corner that I nearly popped out of my eyes. My dark complexion might've easily paled by now.


Robert Elliot Adams.

I instantly recognized the top of his favorite Kongal hat. He always turned that accessory backwards, too. When Pop put the menu that blocked his face, sunglasses even covered his eyes. Yet, I noticed the shoulders of a blazer. In that moment, I turned toward Mom. She'd already lowered her eyes. Her own sunglasses tucked into the upper jacket pocket of a white pantsuit.

"Why didn't you tell me, Ma?" I whispered. I didn't care about the drama with Michael last night. I didn't care about Prince and the tour. Right now, I panicked from within. My parents stood in the same room for the first time. Last time, I graduated college.

"I didn't know how to say anything without causing a stir. You probably wouldn't have shown up, sweetheart. I'm so sorry." I turned to face and offered sympathy. Yet, my heart still pained. What else did she hide right now? Once again, I didn't know what to think. But out of respect, we both walked toward my father.

Before long, Dad walked around the table. His arms opened wide as if nothing had changed. At the same time, I still knew better than to walk away. In all honest, I did miss him. Yet, fury still coursed through my veins. My father would hopefully understand.

Dad removed the Kongal cap to reveal slicked back hair. That same item dropped onto his part of the table and he squeezed me tightly. I wouldn't cry, but fought the urge. Nostalgia peeked into my thoughts. Playground visits. Dancing while this man carried me on his hip in the living room. Our cackled laughter prompted by tickles. Even his natural scent mix with cologne and I felt at home. At peace.

If only he didn't ruin everything with Mom. And I'd never forget who Dad's replacement was. At my college graduation, Dad somehow thought it was appropriate to bring along the woman who would never compare to my mother. After the ceremony, I'd embraced Mom with all my strength.

While giving an otherwise weak hug to Dad, this completely random woman squeezed through as if she was one of the family. When I faced Mom, she oddly threatened to walk off. Fellow students around us shouted with happiness while leaving with their own families. I remained frozen and puzzled.

"Hello, Charlene. My name is Janice Parker. I've known your father for a while now. Congratulations." My eyes narrowed with obvious confusion until the whore opened her mouth. I could've easily dropped my jaw onto the counterfeit grass of our football field. It didn't take rocket science for me to read past her foolishness. I knew she'd slept with my father and nothing else.


After lunch, I immediately drove home. Mom understood and hugged me just before I headed toward the parking lot. Hostile expressions exchanged between my parents when I glanced over one shoulder. I blew a kiss to Mom and she offered the most upsetting wave. My eyes glossed with tears, but I refused to break down.

I didn't even care about cutting off the line with Michael. Just another bill to pay. Hours later, this repairman left out of the house after fixing my problem. Before long, I found myself alone once more. I'd called Mom to test the new phone after a few more uneasy minutes. She'd leave out the next morning. Despite my best efforts, she wouldn't stay here.

That woman needed to regroup, especially considering Dad earlier. Mom and I never even dwelled on the fact she'd flown to travel. Her worries had dwindled in one way or another. On the other hand, my answering machine still flashed with message. Drained, I plopped onto the couch and listened to several beeps.

"Charlene, I don't know what happened last night. Is everything okay? I'm so sorry if I hurt you again. I just don't know how to feel. I'm jealous of Prince and angry toward myself. You deserve nothing short of happiness. I've been hurt too, but you've opened my heart again. It took years and I'm still working, but I can't see myself without you anymore Help me. We can figure this out, girl. I promise. Just...please call me back. Please? He paused to nearly shudder on the line. My heart ached for once. "Please, Baby. I...I love you so much...Bye."

I scrambled to call Michael back. 

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