Offstage || Chapter 33

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March 1988 – New York


I "snuck" onto the set of that late-night program. I'd leave for St. Louis in the morning, but refused to incite another round of phone-tag with Charlene. Enough was enough. I couldn't believe our argument from the other night. She had been so arrogant and careless toward my emotions at that point. Still, I wanted to figure things out in one way or another. As I've said, my heart just gravitated in the direction of this woman.

An official studio audience would flock toward this place in the next hour or so. I'd need to leave out before anyone else recognize me. I refused to let that big crowd notice my presence. As usual, Bill surveyed with other bodyguards. The late-night host situated behind his desk. An evening skyline located perfectly behind him. Frank and I discovered Charlene standing among those valuable cameras.

Inside this television studio, a stage positioned toward the left. Brenda Michelle unhooked a microphone from its stand while testing her own vocals. Even basic riffs prompted good-natured chills to run down my spine. Onstage, Brenda chose a shapely black dress. With her cosmetics, this woman almost scorched the bright spotlights.

Brenda also confronted these possible issues as a champion. It wasn't long before I noticed that woman moving back to the microphone stand. Her upright strut in heels fixed my eyes as I watched. Even though I wanted Charlene the most, B just knew that she was bad. There was no other conclusion in my mind.

On the other hand, Charlene walked up the nearby stairs and snatched up a second microphone. An entire band situated right behind Brenda underneath purple and blue spotlights. Charlene cued these musicians to play a record I'd never heard before. Of course, I nodded to the music with a smile. Everything from background singers to keyboards and a horn musician filled my ears.

Onstage, Charlene stepped back to stand near an obscured corner. Brenda prepared herself in one way or another to rehearse the record in question. The late-night host still nodded along. I then closed my eyes while this woman sang and just absorbed the moment. Regardless of musical charts, talented rested inside her. Even Charlene peeked out her head at times to encourage. The ballad relaxed and captivated this entire room.

For the life of me.
I never thought that it could be.
The way it stands right now.
Emotions running high.
Every night I wish that I.
Could tell you how I feel.
Those words are here in my heart.
Oh, but there is just one missing part...


Charlene and I watched the interview in a private room. Onscreen, Brenda continued wearing that tight black dress. A sliver belt looped right around her waist. This woman even crossed both legs sometime. With every question, Brenda responded with grace and sass that even Charlene mirrored. By the end of her official performance that night, one thing had been clear: an entertainment "It Girl" had returned.

Brenda peeked her head in and smiled at Charlene. I stood up from the couch out of respect. These two embraced with joy. Before long, I hugged Brenda and kissed her cheek. We all mumbled through greetings before Brenda finally left the room. I then locked eyes with Charlene. One more round of awkward silence fell between us.

"Did you have fun stalking us?" Charlene sat back down on the couch. I honestly scrunched up my face at this point. I didn't know what to think of her response and paced the floor. My thoughts began contemplating all over again. Frustration lodged toward my heart in one way or another.

"Why do you insist on fighting with me all the time? It's not cute, girl." I folded both arms and shook my head. Charlene smirked with puckered lips. I wasn't even turned on by her action. Our arrogance finally reemerged. It took everything in me not to walk out. I just wanted to speak with this woman alone without causing drama. Of course, we both failed miserably in this room.

"Stop treating me like a groupie. I'm not just going to show up on your doorstep whenever you want, Michael. Leave me alone. How many times do you need to hear the rejection? I don't want you." For the millionth time, Charlene protested my responses. My heart prayed to understand this woman, but I struggled time and time again. When was the last time she was happy? I didn't even know right now.

"You're not a groupie. I just...want you. Why is that so difficult to understand? You're talented, strong-willed, beautiful, independent, on and on. I need someone like you in my life, girl. Anyone else would leave or use me because of the fame and shit. You won't." I lowered my voice. Charlene tossed back her curly hair to stare at the ceiling.

I shut both eyes. Frustration grew within for a second time. While tempting, I just couldn't walk away from this woman. Even if I wanted to leave, no one else compared to Charlene. Not even Tatiana. As I've said countless times before, arrogance stopped us from truly understanding one another. I'd forever hate the distance. Even Prince reveled in joy with Char. I'd never receive that privilege.

"Stop dreaming." Charlene brushed off her leather pants before walking out.

Here we go again. I thought to myself. 

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