Offstage || Chapter 28

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1988"Bad" Tour (Second Leg)


We're sendin' out a major love.
And this is our message to you. (Message to you.)
The planets are linin' up.
We're bringin' brighter days.
They're all in line waitin' for you.
You're just another part of me...

I made it.

Michael would continue the second leg of his tour tonight. His first gig kicked off last night in this same venue. I couldn't help smiling all over again. My mind could only imagine what Michael drummed up this time. Nothing short of magic and wonderful energy crossed my thoughts. As of late, we'd forgiven each other for the millionth time and Michael profusely apologized for hanging up on me.

Frank and Bill hushed long enough to keep Michael in the dark. I wanted to surprise him anyway. Just hours earlier, I hopped onto the nearest plane to leave California. Flying first-class would've reached Michael and spoiled everything. I just knew and remained discreet. Of course, there was no other choice given my own fame, either.

I snuck into the empty but loud venue and quickly sat down before anyone else could notice my presence. Right now, Michael rehearsed "Another Part of Me" Near the back-exit door, both Frank and Bill nodded along with smiles. I rubbed my chin while concentrating on the performance in general. I guessed that the "professional" in me always kicked in around music. Old habits never changed anyway.

Michael paced that stage with the microphone in hand. Mid-step, he noticed me and pointed from his spot. I waved off his acknowledgement. The bandmates quickly noticed by cheering as loudly as possible. I blushed between the moving spotlights. A pink tint of sorts brightened Michael.

At this point, Michael then finished the song and moved on for "I Just Can't Stop Loving You." Background vocalist Sheryl walked away from her post behind her designated microphone and shook hands with Jackson. From my seat, I clapped to encourage. I'd already met everyone during last year's Japan visit. We weren't all close of course, but I remained hospitable for obvious reasons.

Michael hired keyboardist Greg Phillinganes to double as a musical director for the show. At the sight of me, he nodded behind that array of twinkling or droning instruments and still prepped himself for Michael. Thanks to liner notes, I'd learned that Greg and Mike had been collaborated on "Off The Wall" and "Thriller, long before "Bad." In short, those two had known each other for years.

Your love's got me high.
I long to get by.
This time is forever.
Love is the answer...

While the chords scaled, I sang along once more. Onstage, Michael stood alone in the beginning. He wouldn't recite that spoken-word verse in the name of timing limits. I understood in one way or another as he continued performing. I marveled at his skill to change from high energy and cool down with such a romantic song.

On cue, Sheryl Crow walked out from a hidden place. I wasn't even a vocalist myself, but this woman could not sing. Why couldn't Michael just hire Siedah Garrett for this tour? With every moment, I cringed watching her partner with Michael. At least Jackson spruced up this disaster by pretending to flirt at times. Otherwise, I could've gagged.


Michael and I met up again during the planned lunch break. Crew members, bandmates, and vocalists flocked toward the expansive break-room in droves. Out of habit, I stood near the buffet with a plate in hand while Mike headed for croutons. We laughed together for a moment until Tatiana squeezed by.

"Oh, sorry." Tatiana almost bumped into me and could've easily knocked that plate out of my hand. I'd piled on wings, never regretting. If this woman left that chicken hit the floor, it was over. As a dancer and jet-lagged human being, I earned this right to indulge with food right now. No one else could tell me otherwise.

Michael and I cut narrowed eyes toward her. Tatiana had snatched a napkin and plastic silverware without apologizing. Just when I planned to speak up, Mike shook his head behind me. Knowing better, I held back. Mike then planned to sit with Frank, but noticed that I wanted to sit alone. Jackson soon headed toward another direction. I understood and smiled watching him once more.

"What's her problem?" Mike questioned me while the man gushed Ranch dressing onto his salad. I rolled my eyes before praying over my meal for a second. Over my shoulder, Tatiana sat alone. Guitarist Jennifer Batten and Sheryl Crow suited right across from one another. While cliché, Tatiana shot daggers toward me and folded both arms like a child. That woman acted totally unprofessional. I didn't know what to think.

"Let's not talk about her." I suggested. Michael nodded after wiping his mouth and moved on for a different topic. As for me, I sighed out of relief in my mind. There was no point in dwelling on immaturity. Everyone expect Tatiana seemed to understand the rules as far as I was concerned. Now, if she just concentrated on the show, we could all stay happy.

"Okay," Mike laughed to myself. I reached across the table and nudged him without sticky fingers. His chuckles nearly resonated toward my ears. Conversations continued mumbling around. Choreographer Vincent Paterson waved at me when I glanced around. As I've said, we'd met during those "Smooth Criminal" and "The Way You Make Me Feel" shoots.

"Wait. Are you and I've seen that scowl before with my friends." Mike scooted his plate away and glared toward me with slight concern. That personal question soon crossed my mind, but I chose to whisper. In that moment, Michael scrunched up his face.

"Hell no!" Mike cursed under his breath. It took everything in me not to scream with laughter. "I'd never date her, girl. No offense, but she's too...I don't know...giddy for me. I only invited her on set last time as an apology. She's nice and all, but no. After this, I'm done with her."

"Thank you for being honest, but that's a little harsh, Michael." I defended Tatiana in one way or another. My thoughts felt as if she was nothing more than performance accessory. While true, I knew that Tatiana had feelings as well. At the same time, I couldn't understand the bitterness toward me.

She was jealous. My mind suddenly gasped and realized the only choice. 

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