Chapter 2

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Could he have had any other day then today to see Jungkook in big space, cleaning house in nothing but a pair of sweats riding low upon the boy's hips? It was driving Hoseok mad and he so badly wish he could take him right there and now, but Jungkook was only cleaning house when he was worried about something. Meaning he was either sleeping in bed next to the boy he loved so much or he would be knocking, at 3 am, on Namjoon's door and wake up on the couch.

Every night, even though he was sleeping next to the boy, he wished he slept on the couch, cause when he was next to Jungkook his crotch was thinking and his brain was on vacation. So with a heavy heart he closed the door behind him and took a step further into the apartment. "Jungkook?" he asked carefully wishing not to upset the boy anymore then need be, but quickly closed his eyes and took a deep breath when the younger of the two turned around showing of his well toned body and the six pack.

"Hobi!" Jungkook smiled when he saw his boyfriend and placed the feather duster down, running into the arms of the older. After a brief hug and a kiss, did the younger pull away to look at Hoseok. "So how was work?" he asked watching the older boy raise a brow and watch him out of curiosity.

"What?" Jungkook asked, walking over to the kitchen to the backpack he forgot stood on the table, Hoseok following not understanding what was happening. At the point of this conversation they'd be fighting, Jungkook screaming and Hoseok praying for advice, trying to find a way to calm the younger that wouldn't lead to him being evicted.

" okay?" the older could barely get the words from his mouth thanking that he didn't stutter. Frozen where he stood at the younger turning around, watching with wide eyes before his shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes. Leaning heavily on the counter, sighing, Hoseok taking a step forward carefully until he stood in front of the boy, pulling Jungkook into his hyung's embrace.

Lifting a hand to ran it through the hair of younger where Jungkook's head rested on the older's shoulder, "Want to tell me what the matter is?" Hoseok asked softly while the other hand was running soothingly up and down Jungkook's back. All he felt was the younger freeze, taking a deep breath feeling the air forcing it's way into his lungs, but he knew if he didn't do it today when will he have courage again.

"I wanted to do it, but..." the rest of the conversation was lost on Hoseok when he heard that three very pain in the ass words that he thought would never come, yet here he stood and heard them, feeling if he reacted right now he might not be evicted but punched as well. So he stilled his movements and slid both hands until they gripped the youngster's shoulders, gently pushing him back.

Tilting his head with Hoseok's thumb and forefinger, when he lifted his hand to make Jungkook look at him. "Next time just tell me, don't try and give me a heart attack okay?" he said smiling when Jungkook nodded, blushing so Hoseok leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the younger's lips. When Jungkook slid his fingers into Hoseok's hair, tugging lightly and moaning against the older's lips, he lifted the boy forcing Jungkook to wrap his legs around the older's waist.

Hoseok placed him on the counter behind Jungkook running his hands over the younger's hips and down over his ass to take a firm grip, forcing Jungkook to gasp pulling away from the kiss. The kiss Hoseok turned into a lip lock of war cause of Jungkook's moan earlier, the older had slipped his tongue into the boy's mouth and when he won the battle, he sucked the younger's tongue into his mouth.

Turning the hundreds of emotions that Jungkook were feeling at that moment into a ticking time bomb that just went off. Feeling himself leaking pre-cum against the material of his boxers when he leaned back, resting his head against the window behind him as Hoseok attached those sinful lips against his neck and bringing their pelvic area's flush against the other.

Jungkook could feel his boyfriend's prominent erection and he felt his breath hitches when Hoseok slightly grinded against him, sucking on the skin in the younger's neck. The older were driving himself even further of the brink of no return, but he couldn't find the will power to stop. It's like it packed it's bags said, Fuck you and closed the door and Hoseok knew he was screwed as Jungkook removed his hands from the older's hair.

Moving them over his back, across his hips to grip the front of his jeans, snapping the button and sliding the zipper down. He felt those long fingers slip into his boxers wrapping around his erection, tugging lightly and he needed to release Jungkook and grip the edge of the counter. Accidently biting the younger a little to hard and when the boy whined, Hoseok pulled away putting distance between them.

Jungkook scrambled from the counter when he faced the older and in a moment he was holding Hoseok, by the terrified look on the older's face. This time it was the younger comforting his hyung, "It's okay...everything will be okay..." Jungkook desperately tried to calm his shaking boyfriend that he didn't even know he was slipping. Worry was the worst of the worst, it didn't just make Jungkook become little, it bought on the suicidal side of him.

He tried his best but when he couldn't hold on anymore, he tugged Hoseok's head back and kissed him. The older sat paralyzed for a moment before he melded his lips against that of Jungkook's, cupping the side of the younger's face deepening the kiss. Pouring all his love into the one thing little Kookie understood, that Daddy wasn't going anywhere no matter what happens.

When they finally broke apart, Jungkook was looking down at Hoseok smiling before lifting his head when the front door swung open, hitting the wall. Both looked to the kitchen entrance when Namjoon and Taehyung burst through the door, dishelved and nearly in tears.

"What did you guys do this time? "

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