Chapter 5

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Jungkook stood from Hoseok's lap, where he was currently occupying through one hell of a make out, just so the younger couldn't slip. Hoseok were the only man that could keep him big and not feel like he made decisions slowly on keeping the man here for his own happiness. His hyung loved him no matter big or little that he was going to propose in that moment, but his two best friends had to come stumbling in and ruin the fucking moment.

Pun intended, as he thought the situation over as he tried to relax, rather then get up from where he sat and murdered them. They ruined the most perfect second of his life, the second that cost him to tare his gaze from the boy he loved to look at them. Now he needed to take another look at those plans, plans he had for nearly a month and he was scared, terrified to be rejected even though he knew his heart would win in the end. Thinking that a moment in life will come were he would be unable to look away and when it came, he was locking these two assholes up.

He slowly pushed to his feet, finally looking at the world on the same level and standing right behind Jungkook to wrap an arm around the younger's waist, pulling him into his side.
"It was all a hoax!" Namjoon shouted out of breath the first to fall down and cry.
"They wanted to prove a point and used se..."
"I know..." Hoseok cut into Taehyung's sentence, not only to shush him on the word, but also to tell Jungkook through the look he was giving the younger now as he replied, that he knew the moment the taller kissed him that it was an excuse.

He was hiding something from the latter and his hyung meant he was determined to find out what it is, Jungkook swallowed before biting his lower lip and looking away, feeling his knees weakened. Forcing him to place a hand flat against the counter top next to him, for support, he was loosing an already lost battle and he didn't care. He was more then ready to take his punishment if it meant he could finally feel that he and Hoseok became one, taking the final step in their relationship. Telling his hyung it was alright to love him the same way even though he was little, that he gave this perfect man the permission to make love to him.

But here come twittleedee and twittleedum, ruining his perfect moment by pushing open his front door. Didn't even have the fucken descenecy to knock, just barge in fucking up my life even further? Jungkook thought, wondering what the two idiots did this time and as if the answer came out of the blue, he turned his head to look at Hoseok. Narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, "Why did you speak over Tae, what are you hiding from me?" pushing out of the shorter one's arms when his hyung tried to tighten his hold on Jungkook's waist. The three of them looking straight at him and the younger, knowing he only had to look at Joonie, to watch them break.

For once he thought this plan might just succeed, if he was careful, that he could tell Hoseok why he did this and everything would be okay. That he wanted to enjoy his first time in big and little space with just his hyung, the man that could love both sides of Jungkook and not be disgusted. "You two tried to be gentle and screwed up everything by using the word 'sex' in you're little speech, didn't you?" he smiled, unfolding his arms to use his hands to pull him up onto the counter, before refolding them.

"You do know that they were ready to lay their souls bare to you and you fuck it up, by using sex instead of making love." Jungkook said as he crossed his ankles and gently swayed them back and forth. Taehyung and Namjoon's eyes widen like saucers, complete confusion on their faces before looking at each other, Hoseok only took a step forward to push Jungkook's legs apart. Taking the space between his thighs and cupping the younger's cheek with his hand. His voice horse, trying to stumble the knot in his throat, taking every last breath to keep the tears under control.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Hoseok whispered, leaning in to press his lips against Jungkook. The taller of them sat frozen for a moment, before wrapping those folded arms around the older's neck. Jungkook had to pull away from the lack of oxygen, opening his eyes as he nibbled his bottom lip. Looking as Hoseok's eyes changed from pure lust to the perfect harmony of their love, causing him to smile pecking his hyung's lips once more before turning back to the others.

"I suggest you do what my Daddy did and go home..." giggling as he watched them, the words and situation sinking in as they turned, not even saying goodbye and left as they came. The front door slamming shut behind them, that Jungkook could finally turn back and look at Hoseok.
"You were saying?"
"How did..."
"I know as long as you are there, protecting me I'd be able to not be so little and protect you in return. So I can slip without the headache anymore..." the corners of his mouth tilting when Hoseok smiled back.

"God, I love you..." Resuming where he left off. Not wondering what the others were doing or how Namjoon and Taehyung were going to explain, they were living in their moment until Hoseok pulled back this time.
Forcing the other to look at him.

"Marry me?"

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