Chapter 8

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"Kookie, if you take any longer, I'll be late!" Hoseok yelled up the stairs just as a pair of light blue socked feet stood on the first step. "Daddy, Kookie can't find Mr. Snuggles!" Jungkook panicked turning back, before the older could reply. This was going to be one hell of a morning as he took the stairs two at a time, following the little to his playroom.

Where he froze in the doorway, his lips parted and his eyes as big as saucers. "Jeon Jungkook!" he yelled, to which the younger winced and covered his ears. Lower lip quivering as he tilted his head up and his big doe eyes filled with tears. After realizing what happened and the older could look past the momentary shock his heart went through, he almost cursed.

With strength unknown to him, he moved till he was kneeled in front of his baby and embraced the younger within in his arms. He knew the state of the playroom will always look like a hurricane went through it, until he cleaned again yet today it was ten times worse. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." Hoseok tried to swallow his tears, so that he remained strong for the younger.

Bewildered at first when he felt his baby pull back, to look into his daddy's eyes. "It's okay dada, Kookie wrong." receiving a kiss on his nose from the little that had him smiling. With one final hug, he helped the latter to his feet holding out a hand and when Jungkook took it, he led him from the playroom down the stairs and out the front door.

Still no shoes on his feet when he pulled the door open of his daddy's car and struggled to climb in. "Kookie can't get in." Hoseok only smiled where he stood after placing both their bags on the passengers seat. So he turned and helped the younger in, where Jungkook settled in his carseat. His baby kissing his temple as thank you, after Hoseok buckled him in.

The older popping a white paci between his lips before moving to close the door. Once settled and buckled himself behind the wheel, he readjusted the rearview mirror to keep an eye on Jungkook, but the younger was immersed in his own world as he had a conversation with Mr Snuggles. Who he found laying beneath all the toys he threw from his play box, not even noticing the start of the car nor the drive, only realizing when they arrived as his daddy pulled him from his carseat.

Jungkook somehow slipped into the confinement of his head space whenever Hoseok and he would drive somewhere, yet to this day neither of them knew why. So the moment the little's little blue socked feet touched the pavement and his daddy released him, he made a beeline for his uncle Tae's door. Only to be met by one of his friends, a pastel yellow paci between the other one's lips and a light brown Teddie in his hand.

"Yooni!" Kookie yelled tackling the older to the ground and as his nature rained kisses and hugs across Yoongi's being so much so that the older struggled to breath after giggling to much. He made grabby hands at his dada who stood in the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as he smiled down at the two.

"Dada, save YOONI!"


"Hoseok leave, he'll be fine." Taehyung tried to convince the older where he stood, watching his little play on the couch in the living room. Content in his own world, not even noticing how hard it was for Hoseok to leave Jungkook.

"It's just till in the afternoon and if anything..."
"Happens to call the studio on the emergency number, I know. Don't worry Hoseok, he'll be fine but the longer you stay the harder it will be." Hoseok looked to Taehyung, a brow raised in question, the younger only smiling.

"I have a little too you know and I had to leave him behind once or twice, just be glad Jungkook doesn't have separation anxiety like Yoongi." Taehyung pointed towards his own little that was busy trying to eat a crayon.
"Yooni no." came his daddy's strong baritone voice that the little immediately dropped the crayon and smiled that gummy smile of his. "That won't work mister, if you are hungry you ask."

"Yes, dada." the little pouted on the verge of tears for upsetting his caregiver, yet before the tears could spill he was embraced and a kiss was given on his cheek. "Yooni no cry, Kookie wove 'ooni." the youngest mumbled past his paci before offering his teddy so that his friend didn't feel lonely anymore. Hoseok only smiled before he turned to go and as if fate was against him, he felt a weight attach to his back.

A hand on the doorknob and a foot past the threshold and he was stopped.
"Daddy..." he heard his little boy.
"Yes, my little soldier." he turned before wrapping his own arms around Jungkook.
"You have to kiss Kookie 'ye 'ye." removing his paci and puckering his lips to which the older only laughed before kissing the boy sound on his mouth.

"Be good for uncle Tae and play nice with Yooni."
"Kookie pwom....pwomi..."
"Yeah that, Kookie does."
"Good I'll see you later." Kookie nodded before de-attaching himself and running of to the living room.
"Yooni, let's pway!" the paci back between his lips as he pulled his backpack along the floor and unzipped it, taking from the bag his pens and coloring books.

"Make pwcture 'or Dada's?" Yooni asked behind his own paci and the latter only nodded. Hoseok left quick after that and Taehyung entered the kitchen like always, preparing brunch while the little's played. His normal daily routine, this time it's just plus one.

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