Chapter 4

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One word: HELL! That's what Taehyung felt at that moment as he sat on the couch in the living room, with his head leaning back and watching the ceiling. Yoongi woke up this morning in the younger's arms and not in little space. He was grumpy and plain rude, meaning Taehyung couldn't punish him at all, though he tried reasoning with the older Yoongi was on his own destructive path. He tried being flirtatious this morning by turning in the younger's embrace and kissing him in the neck, but Taehyung said he wasn't in the mood. He tried parading around the house in one of the taller's shirt and boxers, knowing his boyfriend loved it when he wore the younger's clothes but nothing. Not even a hug!

Yoongi were frustrated and the thought of little Yoonie bugging him, didn't help fucken at all. He wasn't going to be little today, he didn't want Daddy's attention, he wanted Taehyung his boyfriend to love him. Meaning he was truly and utterly sexual frustrated, so he sighed as he entered the living room. Without a thought he made himself comfortable on the younger's lap, straddling him by placing his thighs on either side of Taehyung's hips.

"Daddy..." he whispered teasingly, leaning forward to place a kiss on the younger's chin, but halting when Taehyung grabbed his waist. "Yoongi please..." the younger begged forcing the older to look down at him with a brow raised.
"Don't you love me anymore?"
Upon these words Taehyung's head snapped up and he felt his heart shatter, with the look on Yoongi's face. The older was looking down playing with his fingers as his bottom lip quivered, for the first time in a long time Taehyung saw the older frightened and with so much care he tilted Yoongi's chin with his thumb and forefinger.
"I love you with all my heart, but..."

"Don't do this because you feel obligated. I overheard you last night with the others and Yoongi I love you as much as I love Yooni. Cause both of them makes this beautiful hard edge sweet and loving person that I can't seem to live a day without." Taehyung watched Yoongi cry when he finished speaking and to only reassure the older he leaned forward connecting their lips. It was a kiss not only of passion and love, but of promise that Taehyung wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

"So what do you say about we help you take a bath and getting dressed in comfortable clothes, before heading over to Kookie's?" Taehyung suggested after he pulled back and watched as the tears stopped, the older now only hiccuping and wrapping his arms around the taller's neck and his legs around his waist when Taehyung got up. The younger holding his boyfriend securely against his body with one hand on his bottom as he left the living room, to take the stairs to the second floor. Yoongi had his head snuggled into the crook of Taehyung's neck only slightly peaking as the younger entered their bedroom, walking over to the bathroom where he placed the older on the toilet seat.

Yoongi wasn't very happy to let go but did so as he watched the bath being filled and stopped the younger when he tried to place the older boy's toys in the tub. "Not today, please." Yoongi whispered and Taehyung only smiled before nodding. "Let's get you..." But his hyung was one step ahead of him as he slowly started to unbutton the shirt, his focus on the task at hand that he didn't see Taehyung nibbling on his bottom lip, suppressing a moan as he watched his boyfriend pull the material from his body and exposing his smooth white skin.

"Yoo..." he purred when the older stood, fingers in the elastic of the boxers slowly pulling them down, over his hips and Taehyung took a step forward. Grabbing Yoongi's chin and pushing his head back when he connected their lips. It was heated and rough, Taehyung tugging at the older's bottom lip with his teeth before swallowing the moan that left Yoongi's lips. He gripped the boy's naked waist and lifted him up, in doing so Yoongi wrapped his legs around Taehyung's waist and whined when his back met the cold bathroom wall. The younger pulling back to look at his hyung, their foreheads resting against the other and when Taehyung dipped his head to kiss Yoongi's neck the older gripped his shoulders and grinded against him.

Logic flooding Taehyung's coma induced mind that was thinking of everything unholy. So by sheer force and a whine from the older he pulled back, untangling Yoongi's legs from his waist and lowering the shorter to the ground. He turned around and left the bathroom, only to be spun around by the older.
"Why did you stop?"
"Cause this was what you wanted all along. To have sex right?" it gone silent and with a gulp Taehyung turned around, Yoongi stood there crying but he was angry, tears streaming down his face and when the younger tried to embrace the older he was forced to take a step back. The only sound echoing through the room was Yoongi's hand making contact with Taehyung's cheek when the shorter slapped him.

"Don't come near Yooni! Don't ever touch Yooni again!" Yoongi slipped and he didn't mean it but the force of Taehyung's words tore at his heart and he couldn't help it, so he turned and fled locking himself in the bathroom. Resting his back against the door as he slid to the floor crying, it took Taehyung a moment to gain his senses before he to took too the ground on the other side of the door.
"Baby, please come out, you know Daddy loves you."
"Not enough to make love to Yooni..." came the whisper and Taehyung opened his mouth to reply before closing it again.
"I-I...t-thin..k" came Yoongi's broken words, listening as the older forced himself to be big.

"FUCKEN GET OUT!!!" nearly falling into the bathroom when the older pulled the door open and stepped over the younger. He left the bedroom and like a lost puppy Taehyung scrambled to his feet to follow. He watched Yoongi open the front door and holding it open, Taehyung watched his boyfriend one final time, sighing before stepping through the door to the outside. He flinched when the door slammed behind him and he honestly had no energy to do anything when he plumped down on the front step.

Taking Yoongi's pacifier from his pocket, resting his chin in his hand where his elbow rested on his knee. He was thinking of how he and the older first met when his eyes landed on the guy that completed changed his life for the better almost two years ago.


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