Chapter 13

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"Dada?" asks a sleepy Kookie as he waddles down the hall to the kitchen. The pacifier hanging loosely from his lips as he tries to pull at his onesie that riding up his thighs. "Dada, hurts!" finally giving up and plumping down on his bottom, silent tears growing louder until a few moments later a worried caregiver came sprinting down the hall.

He picked up his baby and pressed the boy's face into his neck, gently rocking until the crying turned to sobs and eventually to sniffles. Hoseok pressing a kiss to his baby's forehead before leaning back to look down at the boy. Lifting a thumb to wipe away the tears, "Want to tell dada what's wrong, Bun?"

"Is baby's onesie bothering him?" Hoseok asked carefully and watched as his prince nodded and the older of the two cuddled the boy close again. Taking steps towards their bathroom, from which he proceeded to lay his boy down on the changing table. Kookie gone terribly shy and covering his face, but Hoseok wasn't having any of that as he placed raspberries on the younger's skin as he opened the material.

Once he had Kookie out of his clothes, diaper off and laying bare bottom in front of his caregiver, the boy giggled anew and Hoseok smiled. Leaning down to place a kiss on the younger's nose and watched his boy smile.
"Who's daddy's big boy?" the latter cooed and Kookie only giggled once more.

"Dada swilly, Kookie b'by bwoy!" squealing as Hoseok tickled him, squirming to free himself from his caregiver yet the latter only picked him up and placed him in the lukewarm water of the tub. Which he filled before he went running at the cries of his little.

The boy happily splashing the water and when said caregiver placed in his favourite toys, Kookie was one very happy little mess. He blabbered his way through a conversation that Hoseok had no clue to what the boy said, but only smiled when the doe-eye looked up expectantly.

"I think we need to get you out, Bun." Hoseok said as he proceeded to wash the boy, but Kookie only shook his head.
"Nana!" he bluddered and the older laughed, knowing full well that the situation in the hall caused the younger to regress a little further. His BunBun was a baby and he loved those moments the best cause they were rare.

So after rinsing of the boy he placed the hood of the fluffy bunny towel on the boy's head and then lifted before wrapping up his prince. The boy was having a argument with Hoseok, to which only he understood yet the latter still whispered soothing words into Kookie's ear as he made it to the bedroom.

From there he dried, powdered and dressed his boy in a new diaper and onesie - light blue with a little lion on the chest - and a light blue pacifier between the boy's lips with white little stars. He lifted the boy once more into his arms and slowly rocked him as he made his way to the kitchen to prepare a bottle. Kookie looking up at his daddy with big eyes and sucking furiously on his paci, his mind whirling cause he was hungry and not receiving any milk, but moments later that craving was satisfied.

Hoseok removing the pacifier and before the baby could cry the teat of the bottle placed between his lips. Caregiver sitting down as he fed his little, smiling as he watched his baby fighting to stay awake. The elder removed the bottle once it's empty and placed Kookie to his chest to burp, making sure his prince is content before he went to lay him down.

Winding up the pin of the mobile and listened to the song as he placed a stuffie beneath the boy's arm.

Being a caregiver came with the worst ups but the most rewarding moments Hoseok could ever ask for, he never would've thought he'd find his soulmate doing something he never knew existed. But Jungkook opened his eyes to a new world and not a moment of it did the older regret.

He was finishing up the housework while his Bun slept when he was rudely interrupted by his phone going off. Pressing the mobile to his ear, he listened to the giggles, cursing and then a very loud baritone voice he could never mistake as belonging to Taehyung.
"What just happened?" he couldn't help letting out a laugh as he heard a curse once more.

"Dada, the wurse 'war!" he heard Yoonie giggle in the background and Hoseok felt happy, cause either big or little, his hyung never laughed much.
"Yoonie thought it be hilarious to throw out all his toy boxes and the more I try to move, the more I seem to trip and fall. The brat is enjoying the shit out of my pain."

"Yoonie, I know. My whole wallet is going in the jar. I'll even let you put it in yourself, just be quiet. I'm speaking with Uncle Hobi."
"Uncle Hobi!!"

"Hey Gummy Bear!" Hoseok teased over the phone, a few moments of quiet and then a overly excited 'yes dada', before the two caregiver's could have, if only a few minutes, to themselves.

They didn't regret a moment of choosing this life.

"I love you Bun."

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