Chapter 14

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"Dada!" Yoonie giggled loudly from where he sat, plush on his diaper bottom, pearly white skin on display. Taehyung was trying his utter best not to curse as he tripped once more, finding this whole fucken morning weird.

"Dada! Dada!" the little sang as he bounced on his caregiver's waist as he tries to wake him up. "'ancates!" comes the word muffled from behind his paci that lodged between his lips. Taehyung just grunted and turned on his side, causing Yoonie to fall over and giggle. He slid from the bed to his feet, stabilizing his balance he waddled from the room.

If dada wasn't going to wake up he'll make him, even if it caused him a punishment later. Little Yoonie could deal with that, but he discovered that that morning was rather hot, he was already tugging at his onesie. Even though he didn't want to be big, he tried just to get the irritating clothing off. Happy once more in just his diaper he made his way to his playroom, suckling his paci his little mind thinking of a way to grab his dada's attention.

Cat-like eyes going wide before he giggles waddling over to his toy boxes and even if it took a lot of effort and a lot of time, Yoonie succeeded in making a mess and the little was proud. But now he needed to grab his caregiver's attention, the question was how.

In the mean time Taehyung has been awake thanks to his phone waking him.
"No, I get it. Just give me a hour please, need a babysitter... No, of course... I..." he never finished, bolting from the bed and abandoning the phone, to sprint down the hall. The moment he heard crying he gave up everything for his baby.

Stumbling into the room he heard the heart rentching sobs from, only to catch his balance when his foot caught on something causing him to trip. The crying stopped as little and caregiver watched each other, silence heavy within the room. Yoonie blinked before leaning back and giggled, almost falling over in his excitement and all Taehyung could do watch wide eyed at the room.

He wanted to get mad, but he remembered his phone and jogged back, seeing the line went dead. Cursing once more as he dialed Hoseok-hyung, waiting for the older to pick up as he made his way back to Yoonie.

Like he said, one weird fucken morning watching his little as his baby had tears running down his cheeks, but it was of laughter and somehow Taehyung couldn't be mad.
Before Hoseok picked up, he almost tripped trying to reach his baby, balancing phone between his shoulder and ear, having his arms outstretched to pickup Yoonie.
"Fucken shit!" he cursed when his toe caught onto the end of the rug, have to replace that too. He thought when suddenly Yoonie giggled again.

"What just happened?" he heard Hoseok ask on the other side, laughing at his pain or cursing. Taehyung wasn't sure, but he didn't care.
"Dada, the wurse 'war!" he heard Yoonie giggle once more and Taehyung bit his lower lip not to smile. He should be furious right now, but his mind was working at organising a play date he thought that the little didn't even deserve.

"Yoonie thought it be hilarious to throw out all his toy boxes and the more I try to move, the more I seem to trip and fall. The brat is enjoying the shit out of my pain."
"Yoonie, I know. My whole wallet is going in the jar. I'll even let you put it in yourself, just be quiet. I'm speaking with Uncle Hobi." he told the little cause Yoonie kept interrupting when he spoke. But should've thought better when the little suddenly smiled brightly and happily yelped so the older on the other side of the line could hear.

"Uncle Hobi!!"

"Hey Gummy Bear!" Hoseok teased back and Taehyung turned to Yoonie, covering the mouth piece. "Tell you what, Gummy bear, you clean half this and you can go see Kookie." he bribed his little and watched as the wheels turned in Yoonie's head. He might be a little but he wasn't stupid and Taehyung knew that.
"Yes, dada." Yoonie spoke softly, stood and waddled over to his stuffies, one under his arm and another being dragged by the ear, so Taehyung turned his attention back to the phone.

"Is there any possibility of you looking after Yoonie, Hoseok-hyung, I know it's short notice but I really need to be in the office?" he asked desperately.
"Of course, you want us to pick him up?"
"No, I can drop him off on my way. But thanks, see in a few. Have to get the brat dressed." he teased watching as Yoonie stopped and glared at his caregiver.

When Hoseok and he said their goodbyes, he swiftly helped his little before lifting the boy in his arms.
"No punishment dada?" Yoonie asked, looking pleased as he smiled, the pacifier removed and held in his hand.
"You don't think you deserve any?" Taehyung asked as he laid Yoonie down on their bed, straightening to get a wet cloth from the bathroom.

Only to return and undress the little, wiping his sweaty skin down before dressing him in a pair of bright blue shorts and a shirt that read: "Daddy's Gummy Bear" in bright rainbow colors that his dada had made for him. Yoonie was very proud of his shirt and would rather wear that then any of his other clothing, little or not. He had to tease his boyfriend somehow, it did lead to fun times, Taehyung thought as he picked up his baby. They never did anything sexual when Yoonie were in littlespace, but that didn't mean that Yoongi didn't show his dominance when he was big and Taehyung rivaled in those moments.

Being taken care of just as Yoonie liked to be cared for when he was little. Thank god, Yoongi never slipped during those moments cause Taehyung didn't like topping. He liked it way to much when Yoongi showed the younger just how much he loved his boyfriend.
"Nuh uh. Cause dada said Yoonie and dada day." Taehyung cursed once more at the satisfied look on Yoonie's face. Not dumb, Taehyung sighed. Grabbing the bag by the door and made his way to the kitchen, placing Yoonie in his highchair. Taking from the fridge the apple juice firstly filling a sippy cup and handing it to Yoonie, before filling the boy's baby bottles.

Cutting up fruit and placing it in airtight containers he packed the baby bag. Also getting ready by getting clothes from the washing room and when done he one more had Yoonie in his arms. Rushing from the house to his car.


Hoseok had just opened the door and stepped aside, to watch a little blonde head walk in, turn and receive his kiss and Taehyung shoving a bag into the older's hands.
"Thanks hyung."

"'ye 'ye 'ada." Yoonie mumbled behind his pacifier waving at his caregiver.
"Love you Gummy bear!" before Taehyung was gone, Hoseok looking down to the little watching him expectantly.

"'uncle Hobi, 'here 'ootie?"

So dear readers the book is coming to an end in the next five chapters. I hope you enjoy it to the end, I'm sorry but I have three on going books. As soon as another is done, I'll think of starting up another DDLB.
Love you guys.

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