Chapter 18

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(HopeKook Household)

What happened to be three hours of waiting patiently for Hobi-hyung felt only like minutes. Taehyung knew the older and knowing the true emotions that his hyung hid behind that smile, he was actually scared.

Taehyung looked down to the little in his lap, carding his fingers through Yoongi's hair, smiling slightly when the older shifted on his lap. He jumped suddenly, wrapping an arm securely around the boy's waist that's on his lap, when the front door slammed against the wall as it opened.

Taehyung stood, Yoongi safely secured to his chest, as he rushed to the foyer, followed by Jungkook yet still no Jimin. Hoseok was looking murderous, with his lip split and his knuckles bruised, Taehyung had a feeling Namjoon was looking even worse.

Feeling? Correction: Sight. The boy had to grab a hold of a table, to stable him and thanking Jungkook when the maknae reached to take Yoongi. Little: not much for blood, big: Yoongi is a piece of shit in Taehyung's opinion but he loves the older to the moon and back.

Snapping from his thoughts he steps forward, wrapping an arm of Namjoon's over his shoulders and led him to the living room, laying him down on the couch. Taehyung knelt before him, taking the first aid kit handed to him, thanking without looking up.

"What were you thinking, Joonie?" He asked, as he cleaned the older's wounds, flinching when the taller hissed.
"It's complicated." He whispered, barely audible, but Taehyung heard.

"Nothing is complicated Namjoon. When you decided to become a caregiver, you made a promise and by the look of things, you're going to loose everything." Taehyung explained.
"Whatever it is, take my advice, rather be honest. It's going to hurt, but Namjoon it's better than this." He pointed to the room upstairs where Jimin was hiding.

He watched the older hang his head, sighing deeply before he stood and made his way upstairs. When the door was closed, Taehyung stood to make his way to the kitchen. Leaning in the doorframe he watched Jungkook fret over Hoseok and the older looking down, blushing on occasion.

It brought a smile to the boy's lips, before he turned and went in search of his little.
As he entered the room he watched Yoongi, only the mop of black hair peeking out of the covers. Taehyung winced lightly, before taking a deep breath he scooped the boy into his arms and released the breath he took as Yoongi snuggled into his chest.

"Let's get my gummy bear home." He whispered placing a kiss to the little's head and once more made his way to the kitchen, grabbing the smaller's bag on his way.
"Hoseok? I'm going to head on home and get Yoongi tucked in. You'd let me know how things went?" He asked the latter, shifting the boy in his arms for a better grip.

Jungkook nodded for his partner and Taehyung took that as his signal. He left the couples home heading over for his vehicle.

With Yoongi strapped in, Taehyung made the drive back home watching not only the road, but his baby in the backseat through the rearview mirror.


Taehyung stepped into his home, dropping the bag on the ground and using his foot to close the door, he strode straight a way over to their bedroom. He laid Yoongi upon the bed and went to get a blanket to cover the boy, pillows stacked behind him should he roll over.

But when Taehyung made a move to leave, Yoongi whimpered and within in seconds, the younger joined his little and decided a little nap wouldn't hurt.

"Dada! Dada!" Taehyung heard Yoongi singing yet refused to open his eyes. He was tired, so he rolled over causing Yoongi to fall over onto the bed, the little thought fun to straddle his sleeping caregiver.

All the boy did was giggle, yet soon that died down too and Yoongi started to whine.
"Dada, 'oonie wungy!!! Want nana..." He finished in a whisper when he didn't get a reaction and thought to take matters into his own hands.

He slipped from the bed landing on his bottom and giggles, before getting to his feet and waddled from the bedroom to the kitchen. Though being as little as he was he only plopped back down onto the ground and started to cry, he hands balled into fits.

His eyes was red and puffy, his breath labored before he was picked up and clutched to a warm chest, his back being rubbed causing his eyes to droop.

The growling of Yoongi's tummy made him snap open his eyes and let out a whimper, tears welling up in his eyes though before he can utter a sound a teat in placed between his lips and warm milk fills his stomach.

Yoongi is wrapped in a blanket and rocked to sleep right on top of Taehyung's chest, falling asleep to the beat of his dada's heart.

"You're my world, Min Yoongi."

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