Chapter 11

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Today seemed to be one of those days that Namjoon could do no right, he woke to an empty bed and an empty house. A note stuck against the fridge when he went to take out the milk for his coffee.


Went to help Hobi at the studio and keep an eye on Kookie. I didn't wish to wake you seeing as I've been a brat these past couple of days. Join me if you feel up to it.


P.S I love you

Namjoon smiled at the note before taking a seat at the counter the warm mug in his hands, mind reeling at all the memories he and Jimin had created over the years.

He also thought of Hoseok and Jungkook, already engaged and thought it high time he grew a pair and proposed, but he didn't know what his baby would say. Jimin never really spoke of marriage, the boy seemed content in their relationship as it was. So with the empty cup, he stood and cleaned the dishes before taking himself to the bedroom.

Grabbing a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, a beanie and a pair of boxers he made his way to the bathroom, where he proceeded to take a shower get dressed and brush his teeth. He left the bathroom and entered the bedroom, making the bed and arranging Jimin's stuffies upon the bed.

On his way out he took the packed bag by the door, always ready in case of emergencies and made his way back to the kitchen. His mind not only set as caregiver but boyfriend mode as well, as he prepared a bottle, sippy cup with apple juice and a few snacks in airtight containers, packing away in an extra bag. So before he left he made sure he had everything, double checking as he left the house and got into his car.

The vehicle wasn't used much seeing as he worked from home and Jimin were more in little space then big space, so adjustments were made in their lives. When he pulled out of the driveway and turned the corner on his way down, he spotted Taehyung and Yoongi in their front yard, the little squealing as his caregiver swung him up in the air. So Namjoon honked the horn when he passed and watched a little flinch, Taehyung wave before comforting his baby boy.

The taller only smiled as he drove off, stopping at the flower market to pick up a bouquet before he once more made his way to the studio, where he proceeded to park and switch off the engine. Grabbing both bags and locking his car, making his way into the building and using the elevator up to Hoseok's floor. He missed Jimin, with his light blond locks and plump lips, his crescent eyes when he smiled and perfect body he praised everyday.

He still couldn't understand why Jimin found fault with himself, why so many years ago he had to coax his baby to eat again when he found Jimin passed out on the dance floor. The doctors told Namjoon that Jimin were underweight and dehydrated and the taller felt his heart break that day, so he took it upon himself each and everyday to remind the shorter just how beautiful he is just the way he was.

Namjoon also made sure that Jimin at least ate three times a day and when the shorter totally refused or it was made so that he needed to loose weight according to the company (that's if Jimin wanted to work), Namjoon placed the boy on a healthy diet. Now stepping into the studio, he watched his boy playing with the youngest in the room running around and grabbing the little only to watch Kookie giggle.

Jimin placed the boy on the ground the moment he spotted Namjoon and made a beeline for the older, wrapping his arms around the taller's neck standing on his tippy toes before placing his lips against his boyfriend's. When Jimin pulled away, Namjoon placed his hand on the shorter's neck and pulled him back, to which Jimin smiled against the others lips.

"And that?" He asked when he pulled back, running his fingers through the hairs at the nape of Namjoon's neck.
"Just missed you." The taller whispered before stealing another but it was short lived as he was pushed away from Jimin.
"'o 'ouc'ing 'ncle 'immie!" The little complained between their legs, with a paci wedged between his lips, his big doe eyes looking accusingly at Namjoon.

So the older raised his hands and took a step back with a smile on his lips.
"I'm sorry Mr. Kookie." Namjoon teased and the little pouted making grabby hands at Jimin where the shorter proceeded to pick him up and place upon his hip. Kookie snuggling his head on Jimin's shoulder and glaring at Namjoon.

"My 'immie." Kookie said before turning his head to look behind Jimin trying to find his caregiver and at the little's distraction, the taller leaned in for another kiss before whispering in the shorter's ear, causing a shiver to run down Jimin's back and a smile to cross his plump lips.

"But always my little prince."

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