Chapter 19

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I unfortunately got a majority of all three groups, so I decided to do all of them as an ending to my first ddlb.

You'll see one of them will be longer, a little shorter and a paragraph or two of the other.

That's how the votes went.







"Yes pumpkin!"

"I weal witt'e..." Kookie lisped behind his paci, which he found on his way through the door, not five minutes ago. Slipping straight away and plopped right down on his bottom, paci between his lips before he called.

Kookie has never seen his caregiver come running down the stairs, to stop right at the bottom so fast and still stay upright. It send the little into a fit of giggles, cause the face his dada pulled made everything seem like deja vu.

What? He thought, Dada had one rule, one rule Kookie never broke and that was: always tell Dada when you're little.

Hoseok somehow, even if he didn't realize it (no matter how small), always made Jungkook's day. Being big or little, he got his sunshine 24/7 and Kookie wouldn't trade that for the world.

"What's wrong, bun?" The voice of his caregiver bringing him back to his senses. "'ot'ing 'ada..." His lisp more noticeable do to him sucking on the rubber of the paci, trying to regain his breath from giggling.

He watched his dada walk over, kneel in front of him and remove the object from his mouth. "You want to try that again, prince?"
"Not'ing, dada." He said, smiling that cute bunny tooth smile with big doe eyes and Hoseok immediately relaxed, gathering the younger into his arms.

"Don't scare me like that bun." He said before standing and lifting the little into his arms, Jungkook settling his head on the older's shoulder lips near the latter's neck. Hoseok turned his head to see the boy's mouth and quickly slipped the paci back in. He really didn't want to explain another hickey, not that he minded if anyone saw, but the thing is, Jungkook.

His boyfriend seem to forget that its only his mouth that's ever on Hoseok's skin and keeps on asking where he got it, the next time the younger sees him, be it big or little. Just maybe it's to see how far he can push Hoseok before the older broke down or maybe it's teasing, who knows? Hoseok was drunk on Jungkook and he didn't mind one bit.

Little Life 🌹Hopekook, Taegi, Minjoon 🌹Where stories live. Discover now