Chapter 10

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Kookie flung himself against his caregiver, looking up with a slightly puffy face from half a nap and smiling that adorable bunny smile of his. Hoseok half dead after a long day of work placed down his bag and lifted his baby into his arms, with a kiss to the forehead the duo made it to the living room were the the older of the two placed himself on the couch.

The little immediately snuggling into his daddy, lips attached to Hoseok's skin and not long after starting to doze again.
"I take it that you didn't phone that he wasn't so bad." Half a smile on his face as he watched Taehyung turn to glare at him.
"Uncle 'okie!" Chim whispered abandoning his color book to waddle over to the third caregiver and hold onto his knees to look up at the boy.

"Aah another baby." Hoseok teased running his fingers through Jimin's hair, before the little moved out of reach crossed his arms and pouted. "Nah uh, ChimChim 'ig 'oy." He mumbled behind his paci.
"Big boys don't suck on paci's." Came Taehyung's voice startling the little and watched the object being plucked by the little from his lips and handed to his dada.

"ChimChim 'ig 'oy now?" The little asked and Namjoon chuckled before lightly hitting Taehyung for teasing his baby. Proceeding to pick up the boy were he stood all alone in the middle of floor and place him on his lap.

"Chim if you were a big boy, you'd have to give up everything and wear big boy clothes. No playtime, no blanky, no stuffies...." at each word the little's eyes got bigger, rounder and wetter. He was near tears as he stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked viciously.
"'o sweep 'ith 'ada?" He mumbled passed his thumb and when Namjoon nodded he burst into tears and clung to his caregiver.

"Chim no 'ig 'oy!!! Chi..." he couldn't even form the words were his face was hidden in the crook of Namjoon's neck and the older proceeded to hush and coo at his baby.
"No your not, you are my little prince." Namjoon annouced and placed a kiss on top of Jimin's head.

What seemed like forever finally resulted in a little crying himself to sleep. So both caregivers, Hoseok and Namjoon, thought it best to return home and give Taehyung the needed space to rest.

They bid their farewells, Namjoon and Taehyung waving to Hoseok as he drove off with his baby securely buckled into his car seat and fast asleep, honking one last time as he turned the corner and disappeared out of sight. Next was Namjoon, the two wanted to still enjoy conversation but when the older's little started to squirm and Taehyung heard pitter patter on his floorboards, they promised to catch up on another time.

So with final goodbye's the boy returned to the inside of his house and closed the door behind him, to come face to face with a very sleepy little. Sucking every five seconds or so on the paci, a worn out grey blanky in his small fist and eyelids that for the life of them can't stay open.

Taehyung only smiled as he stepped forward taking Yooni from beneath his armpits and swung the boy into his arms, the little immediately attaching himself with his head on Taehyung's shoulder.
"Is my baby still tired?" He cooed and Yooni only nodded, snuggling closer his face well hidden in his caregivers neck.

"Then let's get my baby back to dreamland." Taehyung proceeded to their room, rubbing the little's back but when he leaned forward to place Yooni on the bed, the boy refused to let go.

"Okay, prince dada understand. Nap time for both of us." He chuckled lightly as he sat down on the mattress, leaning back against the bed frame with Yooni on his chest and covered them both with a blanket.

"Sleep tight, my gummy bear."

Taehyung whispered placing a kiss a top the boy's head and as he soothed the love of his life to sleep it was not long after he followed.

Yoongi awoke to rub the sleep from his eyes and smiled when he saw his boyfriend, fast asleep and wrapped around his waist. Taehyung loved to cuddle when he was dead to the world and Yoongi didn't mind in the slightest.

He slowly and carefully untangled himself, placing a kiss on the younger's lips before proceeding to slide from the bed. He made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself and then to the kitchen were he filled his empty stomach.

Looking around the house, he only smiled and thanked who ever heard him for the wonderful caregiver he recieved. So he cleaned up the toys and coloring books, folded his blanky's and arranged his stuffies before making his way back to their room.

Carefully sliding back between Taehyung's arms where he rested his head on the younger's chest.

"I love you, Taebear..."

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