Chapter 9

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"NO! NO! NO!" Namjoon watched Chim going through one of his tantrums, his toys thrown across the room and Namjoon sitting on the couch. His head within his hands as he groaned, feeling the mild headache brewing, so he lifted himself from the where he sat and strode to the bathroom. When within the mirror cabinet, he took out to painkillers and swallowed it with some water staring at his own reflection, sighing before startled from his own thoughts.

"Dada?" came his baby's voice and the older turned around to look at his little. Who were dressed in a pair of light blue shorts and a white shirt that glittered and read: 'Daddy's baby boy' with bed tossled hair. He only smiled as he moved forward and picked Chim up into his arms and kissing his lips.

"Yes my baby?" Namjoon asked as he made his way to their bedroom, to get his little man dressed for the day, laying him gently down on the bed.
"'an we go to 'ookie's? Pway'ate?" Chim asked shyly hiding his face in his hands and Namjoon undressed him and redressed him in a light yellow shirt and a dungereen.

Pulling the boy up so Namjoon could comb through his hair, kissing Chim's nose before settling to get the younger's socks and shoes on, done he picked up his baby once more and grabbed the already packed bag by the door. With his baby Namjoon had to be prepared cause with Jimin nor Chim he could never tell and being caught by surprise was never a good thing.

So when he made it to the front door he made sure to take his keys, wallet and phone, followed by Jimin's things as to be prepared when the younger came hurtling out of little space. "We're going to Uncle Tae's, Chim, Uncle Hobi's working so Kookie will be with Yooni." Namjoon explained as he pocketed the items in his jeans pockets or in the jacket he wore.

Quicker then Jimin to hand the boy his paci, when Chim held his small palm up to his daddy. The object slipped between his lips and his head pressed into the crook of the older boy's neck as Namjoon made his way to Taehyung's, not living that far apart. He made his way up to the front door and he could already hear the other caregiver, which bought a smile to his lips as he went to place the bag within his other hand to knock.

Beaten to the punch when Chim reached forward and lightly wrapped his knuckles on the door, but after a few minutes Namjoon first kissed the top of Jimin's head before repeating the action. "Thanks baby." He whispered which only caused the younger to giggle and when the door swung open to reveal the other two little's, Namjoon were forgotten by the front door.

Chim wriggling so much that it forces the older to place him on the ground and watch his baby hurtle himself against Yooni and Kookie. A mess of giggles before greeted by an overly exhausted Taehyung. "You're not leaving him here as well. I don't know how Hobi does it, but that kid..." Tae pointed towards the youngest of the three little's. "....doesn't know the meaning of a nap. He has energy to spare causing Yooni to throw tantrums. I can't go on!!!" Tae complained as he made his way to the kitchen, followed by Namjoon to place himself in a chair by the table.

"The more I say the sooner they sleep the sooner Hobi comes, the more the kid plays." Now resting his cheek on the cold surface and all the older of the two did was laugh. "Let them be Tae, when Chim and Kookie go home you'll start to wonder again why Yooni sleep so much. Let them burn it out of their systems, they never get to play together anymore seeing as Hobi never have the time." He explained to the younger and Tae lifted his head to nod, only to nip his lower lip when they heard a scream and then crying and Namjoon was out the door, through the hallway and into the living room before Taehyung could blink.

Wrapping his baby in his arms and stroking his back, when tears streamed down Chim's face. Kookie and Yooni sitting to the side, the younger looking guilty and older no further from tears as Chim. So Namjoon pulled back looking at his baby's tear stained face before pulling a tissue from one of the pockets, to wipe and blow the little's nose. The older knew to be prepared, always having something within his clothing, it came with having Chim as his baby.

But it never soured his mood or regret loving Park Jimin. "Want to tell Daddy what happened?" Namjoon tried coaxing from the younger but like usual it was like pulling teeth. Chim only clung to him harder bunching the older's shirt into his fists and hiding his face against Namjoon's neck, sniffling. "It was my fault, 'ncle 'oonie." Came the youngest voice forcing Namjoon to look up as Kookie removed his paci and held out Chim's favorite bunny missing an ear.

"I'm 'worry..." Tears slipping down the boys face, waddling over to Chim. "Chim Chim 'an have 'ookie's Mr. Snuggles." the boy held out his toy looking as the older little turned from his caregiver to look at the younger. Shaking his head before moving out of his safety zone of his Daddy's arms and gave his friend a hug. "It 'kay, Kookie, Dada fix for Chimmie." The little smiled and the caregivers smiled lovingly as the older wiped the younger's tears.

After that little episode, the two caregivers somehow got the two others to take a nap while Chim were coloring in the living room on the coffee table, paci between his lip humming as he colored. A Disney playing on the television while Namjoon and Tae both sat on the couch, keeping an eye.

For a few moments it was silent only sound coming from one little and the television, before it all got shattered.

In walks Hobi, exhausted but the sound of the door has a little running down the hall.


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