Chapter 6

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Namjoon was for the first in his relationship, no his life, terrified. He didn't know if he even apologized would Jimin take him back or that Chim would trust him again. Their bond before were rocky to begin with when Namjoon was only caregiver/friend, now he was daddy/boyfriend and back then when he had to choose he never once doubted.

Yet right now, now was totally different as he stood alone on the porch in front of his door, moments ago wishing Taehyung good fortune on his own path to apologise to Yoongi. Yeah, Yoongi was rude when in big space but that was nothing compared to the way Jimin got when he was angry.

"So you choose him above me?" Jimin asked in a small voice, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt as his bottom lip quivered, he was so near tears yet tries to keep them at bay.
"Jimin, I'll always look after you. I promised you and Chim, that I'll always be there no matter what and I'll never break that promise." Namjoon replied calmly as he stepped forward and pulled the shorter boy against his chest.

His heart was beating wildly, thinking to the many times he wanted to confess but got scared of being rejected. Jimin was someone who needed another to love him, take care of him and remind him that he was and will always be beautiful just the way he is.

Namjoon wanted to tell him how much he loved the younger, but when Jimin started dating a girl the older turned to one of his friends and as time went by, Namjoon and Jin started dating. He just never knew Jimin only did it to make him jealous and when that didn't work, the younger shut people out and found fault within himself.

That's how Namjoon found his little baby four months ago, semi-unconcious and his wrists slit, blood pooling on the floor. "I'm sorry....da...daddy..." was all that left the boy's plump lips as Namjoon scooped him into his arms and rushed to the nearest hospital. While waiting he sat against the wall with his legs pressed to his chest as he cried. In the moment he watched the life drain from Jimin, his heart stopped and never in his life did he imagine facing the world without him.

Now standing here the boy within his arms, knowing he screwed up once again when he told Jimin he loved Jin, which was only partly true seeing as the younger stole his heart the moment he met his hyung.
"You'll take care of me...but you'll l-lo..." Jimin couldn't say it, he just couldn't do it as the tears finally seeped from his eyes and ran down his cheeks, only to have his small hands clutch at Namjoon's shirt. Fisting the material within his palm and vigorously shaking his head back and forth. "NO!" he suddenly shouted and pushed away to tilt his head back.

"I won't allow it, you may love him but I loved you way before..." halting mid sentence as he finally realized what he just said. He watched Namjoon's reaction with big puffy doe eyes. "I'm so..." cut of once more by the older framing his cheeks with his big hands and kissing his words right out of his mouth. Lip locked and content in each others arms as they slid to the floor, finally separated yet foreheads touching.

"I've waited so long for you to say you love me. I was afraid if I confessed first you'd reject me..." Namjoon explained, running the pad of his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip.
"What about Jin, Joonie?" the shorter asked as his fingers weaves through the older's hair.
"I'll fix it." placing a peck on Jimin's lips before reassuring him with that famous dimple smile.

"I love you, Daddy."

Taking a deep breath he lifted his fist to knock when suddenly the door was swung open, the two staring at each other for a moment before Jimin flung himself against Namjoon.
"Daddy, ChimChim sworry..." he mumbled against the older immediately reduced to fat tears rolling down his cheeks and wetting Namjoon's shirt. "Chim swared..." so the older did the only thing he knew to make the boy he loved feel safe.

He picked him up, tapping his legs to indicate wrapping it around the older's waist with a hand beneath Jimin's butt, before entering their home and closing the front door with his foot. He made his way to their bedroom, gently placing the boy on the bed where Jimin refused to budge. "Daddy's not going anywhere baby boy. Just need to get you comfortable, okay?" he spoke softly as he kissed the younger's forehead and when Jimin detached he strode to their closet, taking a light blue teddy bear onesie and made his way back.

He quickly undressed and redressed Jimin, encouraging and telling him how beautiful and how much Namjoon loved him. When done he placed a white paci between the boy's lips and leaned down to kiss over the object. Awarded with giggling through the quiet sniffles after Jimin seized to cry, so he gently retook the younger within his arms placing him upon Namjoon's hip and left the bedroom behind.

Where the older made way to the nursery and placed himself in the rocking chair, proceeding to lull Jimin to sleep. It took a little effort, yet when he heard the quiet snores he smiled and leaned his head back, his eyes closed as he whispered.

"No matter what happens, I'll always love you."

Little Life 🌹Hopekook, Taegi, Minjoon 🌹Where stories live. Discover now