28. Kana S. Corduroy

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{Still Lexie's POV}

I wish my story could just end now. Just me, here, all alone on a holiday. Sure no one would buy it but at least it'd all be over. But then again, at the same time, I wish this story would never end.

I sighed, just make up your mind Lexie, do you wanna go on or not?

I don't know. I mean for one I wanted it to stop so I would get heartbroken like before and I wouldn't have to see everyone changes and die. I liked how this story was going so far and I didn't want anything in this perfect story to end. But then again, I want to see the change I could g through, I wanted to see some character development.

I wanted to see the future yet I was scared of it. Ha. Kana would make fun of me forever if I told her this. Speaking of Kana. I stood and walked to my suite=case that I didn't bother unpacking last night. I put my hand in and dug around blindly for what I was looking for.


I pulled my hand out to reveal my diary, yes I own a diary har har I'm laughing so hard tears are coming out. I know it's childish to have on but I like having a place where I can write down everything so I don't forget okay? Geez. How much do you want to bet that you tried to own one before but were too lazy to actually go on with it after the first cringy entry?

I opened the lock with the key that came with it, it was a small necklace I've had for a while alone with the photo of someone I loved before Dan, and before Kana.

I smiled to myself remembering him. His smile, his eyes, the way he looked at me like I was a goddess even when I wore sweats. I opened the diary with a smile and read all of what I wrote for the millionth time. I had all these logs memorized but I liked to read them anyways. It was fun.

I noticed that on top of every page in the beginning of this diary (yes I have much, much more) I had the letters B.K. on top and then at some point, they turned into A.K. I knew what those letters meant. Before Kana and After Kana.

I went to Before Kana, one entry before the first After Kana. It read:

Today was just the usual future me. Ash and Mel talking about our new roommate, two guys came in to put in the new girl's bed and I didn't know why but Ash seems a little on edge about her. She says she has met her but she won't reveal any more. Is she mean or something? I don't know. Take to you later future me.

I always ended my entries like that. 'Talk to you later future me'. I smiled remembering my last day of peace and quiet before tornado Kana came in. This next one is the A.K.

I can't believe this new roommate of ours! She's so rude! I mean Ash walked up to her after she got all her stuff unpacked and she f---ing snapped at Ash telling her to 'p!ss off' I mean who does she think she is the ruler of the whole f---ing world? She can't just snap at Ash like that! I know I'm being overdramatic but still, I'll give her a chance fine but just one!

I gave her more than just one chance. This is the point in my story where I stopped ending my entries with 'Talk to you later future me' no it was always 'I'll give her one more chance!'. I went on day by day writing everything about Kana. It had been so long till I finally warmed up to her.

Before I warmed up to her I commented on everything she did. Even her appearance. I always wrote of course 'I know I'm being rude but she's ten times ruder and doesn't even fix her bed head in the morning'.

I wrote a whole page about how she looked like before. Dark thick black bags under her eyes that made her look like she only sleeps 2 hours every night. Her scruffy disheveled hair that she never combed even though everyone would just stare at the rat's nest she had. Her skin was pale back then, very, very, very, VERY, pale. It was so pale it was like staring at a living sheet of white printer paper.

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