25. Meet my spy family

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Momma turned serious as she looked between us but she couldn't hold it for more than five seconds(I counted). She let out a squeal and hugged both Tristan and me. "Momma!" I cried out and she looked at me with very happy eyes that I couldn't resist cracking a smile at. I sighed. "Momma please." She kissed me multiple times on the cheek and then did the same to Tristan. He just looked very surprised and I sighed. She let go and shook Dad's shoulders so hard Mom had to stop her.

Tristan touches his cheek then looked at me confused as he then watched my hysterical momma run around like a child on too many M&Ms. Ash laughed and walked over to Tristan and shook his hand. "Better take good care of my sister," She then turned stone serious. "I know both karate and jujitsu." Tristan smiled at her. "I swear I will." He turned to me giving me a loving look. I blushed and scratched my scar feeling awkward. I felt his hand on mine as his eyes lingered on my scar then gave me a look telling me to stop.

Dad and Mom then got up. Oh boy. Mom sighed and looked at Dad like she was ready to take him out of the house the second he went all alpha male mode on poor Tristan. Dad sighed and rolled his eyes, he then turned to Tristan puffing out his chest and trying to look taller. Mom rolled her eyes. Dad didn't say anything but gave Tristan a look(and if looks could kill, Tristan would be permanently traumatized) and shook his hand(with unnecessary strength). Mom raised a brow at Dad and he sighed once more. "Better take good care of my girl Thomas."

"Uh, its." I put a hand on his shoulder. "He knows," I glared at Dad. "He just does that on purpose." Dad shrugged and sat back down staring a hole into Tristan's head. Mom looked at me apologetically and I sighed.

"Hello," Mom said kinder than Dad's version of a greeting and Tristan smiled at her. "A pleasure to finally meet you Ms....uh," Mom laughed and I raised a brow at her. "Cameron Morgan-Goode." Tristan nodded. "Ms. Morgan-Goode." She sat down next to Dad and he wrapped an arm around her waist and she smiled at him. Ash smiled and rolled her eyes and Momma stopped running around and came back to join us with still bubbly and cheerful.

I didn't know what to say as I sat back down till Tristan spoke saving me from saying anything stupid. "Kana's family, will you please allow me to date your daughter, er, and sister?" I knew that behind that brave face her put he was trembling on the inside. I reached out and held his hand. He looked at me then puffed out his chest standing up to his full height.

Momma looked at us with a sad/happy look. I didn't get why she looked at us like that then I realized, the conversation I shouldn't have listened into. I gave her a small smile. She saw that and nodded. I nodded right back.

After getting permission to date Dad drilled Tristan through many scenarios that he'll have to save me and I sighed. "Dad, please, stop." I groaned out and Dad shook his head stubbornly. Ugh. Ash patted my back then whispered in my ear. "He's the reason I don't date." I had to hold back my laughter and it came out as a giant snort and I got plenty of stares and I blushed coughing. Ash laughed and I smiled and shoved her playfully.

She shoved me back and I caught Tristan looking at me with that same goofy lovey-dovey smile and I blushed fixing my hair a bit remembering that it was still a rat's nest. It seemed like hours before Dad gave up with Tristan and sat back down with Mom when really it's only been like 12 minutes(11:56 but that's close enough).

We had to leave soon since the Moon's would probably be back and wonder how the heck we got here or wonder what we were even doing so we said our goodbyes and I felt dizzy. I can't believe this is all happening. This is awesome!

Momma smirked at me. "Someone's happy." I blushed. "Says the woman who ran around someone else home like a child on a sugar rush." She nodded. "Touche."

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