I come crying back to the place I don't belong

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Okay, okay you called my bluff. I didn't really kill myself or run away. I'm just a bit depressed but just a bit. I mean I may or may not have really been looking forward to being in a family and I may or may not have gotten my hopes up too high. Like I always do. Like I did with my parents. Sigh. 

I stopped running after a while. I probably should apologize to Lexie for hitting her and I will. Later. Just not in person. Okay so I'm terrible with people so what?! I've been by myself for most of my life what do you expect from me perfection? Well too bad. I took the bus the second I found a road and it led me to a town. I'll just take a small break and go somewhere. 

Abby's place?

I have no idea who's voice it is in my head but it's definitely not mine. My voice sounds like me but not out loud. Its complicated. 

I thought about what it said for a sec. Abby's place seems a good enough place to go. 

Just in case you're wondering who's Abby well I'll tell ya. She's this woman I met a few 7-ish years back and we haven't talked since. She's with Townsend if you recall if not then I'll give you a brief description of her. She is tall, role model, looks like a model, and is three ounces of whoop ass. Try imagining a tall woman with dark hair going past her shoulders with green eyes and jumping off a building that has recently and just so happens to be exploding behind her as she shoots the bad guys. 

I've secretly wanted to be like her (and may or may not still do)but I will never admit it to anything in this world.  

The bus took a while to take me to their secret safe house and so I hopped off and walked over. Its was still early in the morning so I didn't need to worry about playing hooky. In fact I didn't even care at all(maybe) if no one noticed if I were gone. So whatever. Once I reached their safe house I looked around for signs of entry. Of course there wasn't any so I used the key under the sunflower pot and opened the password lock and entered Matt_&_Morgan and vala I'm in. They really need to change the code sometime. 

Suddenly a fingerprint scanner came out of the door bell and an eye scanner thingy. Right, right. Forgot about you two. There was also a DNA tester thingy but the details of it I'll spare you. Its gross. The only reason alarms didn't go blaring off is that when I was here back then I was awkward and super scared of everyone so if they approached me too quickly and without warning I would run out the door and close it gently behind me and continue running until I was sure they wouldn't hurt me.

So then Abby and Ed made me my own little place in their security codes so I could get in and out without their help. So now I'm in the system. 

Stupid to think that they would hurt me? Yes. A good thing to do? Definitely. I mean what if they did hurt me, or turn me in to an orphanage? I was just being smart here people. Than and I was super cautious about everything especially modern tech since I knew nothing about. 

I walked in through the door and saw signs of actual life and not a fake spy home that is made to looked 'lived in'. How? Townsend' a total neat freak and will clean up any spot possible to be seen from a microphone and Abby always wants to tick him off by smudging something on her way out. Today she went with coffee table and it was a big one. Hot coco stain from the looks of it and it was still warm so new stain. But it didn't look like it was made on purpose. It looked like they were in a rush. 

The cup of coca was on the floor wetting the carpet and the phone was left in between the couch cushions like she dropped it. Not a good sign. I looked around the house more and saw that Matt most likely put on two different shoes. Because all the shoes had a matching pair besides two shoes. Black convers and the green ones. Accidental because Matt like Townsend likes things neat and organized unlike Morgan who wears glitter and stickers and is the messy one. They're twins. 

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