18. I'm turning heads and I'm stopping traffic

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Today I was already done with school, done with homework and the girls went to the library to study without me since I didn't want to go. And Mel put a tracker in every single piece of clothing that I had so now they can track me. I sighed wanting to go out to town but with my not-without-one-of-us ban yet to be lifted I can't go alone. Unless I can go without one of them and still not be alone. I mean Tristan counts right?

I turned on my watch and saw a new code, heck it didn't even look like a code it looked like, a phone number? I clicked on it and I was sent to a chat.


Whoever this was responded.

???: Um...Hi? Who is this?

It's Wonder Woman

???:How'd you get my number Kana?


I fell off my bed and looked at the number again.

Peter Pan?

???:Yeah, it's me, how'd you get my number?

Oh my god's above did Mel? She did. She probably did this out of pure boredom. I went to Mel's ID code and messaged her.

How did you get Tristan's number?

Mel: Oh you found my surprise? Ash said you'd be bored without Tristan and since we're not gonna be able to come with you most of the time why not just give you his number. GTG.

Wow, thanks guys. Now to answer Tristan. He left me 4 messages already.

T: Kana?

T: Hello?

T: Hellooooo?

T:Are you there?

Yeah sorry, I freaked out. I have no idea how I got your number I swear

T: That's OK, so uh, what's up?

I shrugged then mentally slapped myself. He can't see that.

Not much, you?

T: My school's having a Thanksgiving dance next week, Wednesday.

Is he asking me out?


T: what's your school doing for TG?

Nothing really, well, they are letting us out this Friday.

T: Wow, lucky!

Not really I mean it's Gallagher so it's normal. (I think)

He didn't respond then I realized I never told him where I go to. I already knew since well Roseville isn't that big so there was a very common high school. I didn't want to look like I was desperate for a response so I waited.



T: Woah, what's it like over there?

Snooty with a side of rich.

He sent me a laughing emoji. Score. Making a joke is always good in a conversation! That's good right? I mean I've never really been good at talking to people and texting like talking but not in person. I guess that's just a side effect from being on my own for so long. I shrugged it off, I mean it still bugged me but I didn't want it to become a problem.

T: But seriously is it really how the rumors say?

Yep, just a bunch of rich girls and guys here. I mean I'm like the only normal kid here! They all act like they're bored out of their minds here, stupid saps.

Gallagher Girls: Spy you laterWhere stories live. Discover now